Saturday, 23 June 2012

Kat Says: London!

I've written stuff about London already, so I'm just going to link to that to start with:

Now, carrying on.

I said on the other post that I hated the underground. I actually don't any more and am getting used to traveling around on it. Since the last post I have been up to London 4 times; once to see McFly with Kat and 3 times to a hospital up in London. I know the route to the hospital off by heart and it's a posh part of London that I now love. I went to London last Thursday and my mum and I went to Covent Gardens and Southbank, 2 of my favourite London places. I love the Southbank as there is always something different there. When I went with my mum there was a giant sofa, 2 chairs and a lamp made out of fake grass. It was so cool. There was also this big sandpit type thing with these wooden sculpture things in that this artist had made which was awesome.

It isn't my favourite place in the world, but I like it much more than I did a year or so ago. The tubes are easy to navigate around, it's just the amount of people. I've mentioned before that I don't have claustrophobia but I hate being in any sort of space with a load of people; not just small spaces.

Oh dear. I'm watching The Last Song and I think the dads about to die :( I've never seen it before but I heard that it was sad. So I Googled what the sad part was. I do that with most films as I am such a wuss when it comes to films nowadays so like to be prepared :')

That wasn't about London...but ahh well


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