Friday, 29 June 2012

Friday, Friday, Gotta Get Down On Friday

If this has work, this has posted on Friday 29th at 5:30 in the evening. Wop!

Anyway, the reason I have done this is because I'm currently at a family wedding and didn't want to have to worry if I can't get internet or if I just forget about blogging over the weekend. How convenient! And it helps me know if it works so then I can schedule some blogs in for next week as I am in hospital for a few days.

Anyway, I bet you've got Friday by Rebecca Black in your head. Yes? Well I hope I do. Because it is an annoyingly good song. Yes, it is ridiculous but it is because it is so bad that I think it is so good. I quite like it to be honest now. And I don't admit that much.

I'm tired :/ How I know this from the past is because I am always tired so I will most likely be tired when this post posts. Ooooo this is a message from the past! Wouldn't it be weird if I predicted the future? Or if I wrote something about a celebrity and then something happened to that celebrity? How weird...I won't predict the future, I don't want to be weird-ed out by my weirdness anymore really :L


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