Sunday, 27 May 2012

Question Time

There are only 6 more questions from this question thing and I cba to go look for another just yet so I'll answer these and then tell you some shizzle...

51) Something I should have said a long time ago. I like this crazy mucked up world that I live in.
52) What my last text message says. Good luck with today xxx
53) What I hate most about myself. My lack of confidence in everything I do.
54) Biggest turn ons. Kinda already had this? Dimples, wit and caring.
55) What words upset me the most. When people talk about me? When they tell me that I’m not overweight, because I know that I am. In life? Cancer.
56) What I hate/hated the most about school. PE.

Right, okay :D

I am kinda doing another 365 at the moment. I don't really know what it is but I've been taking the photos for over a week and they all include me so basically it is just like the last project I did...which sucks a bit as it's not AS fun...but ahh well :')

My left arm is in pain due to the stupid nurse guy. It is all swollen and bruised and yucky.

And I am hungry.

And tired.


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