Thursday, 24 May 2012

Laura Reviews: Not Eating!

Why hello there :P

Again, like normal, this isn't really me reviewing anything...

But basically, I am going to hospital tomorrow so they can do checks to see whether the lump in my back is genetic or not and I have to be fully sedated and so I haven't been able to eat since midday today. My thing isn't until gone 1 tomorrow. Beforehand I thought 'shit, how the hell am I meant to go 24 hours without food?' because I love food and I couldn't give it up. I would love to go on a hunger strike to promote a cause that I like and now I actually feel like I would be able to. I know I had breakfast and lunch, but not much. I'm not hungry at all. But then I think it's because I know that I can't eat, so I'm trying not to think about it (trying not to think about it...yeah, so that's why I'm writing my blog post on food!). I think tomorrow will be harder though :/ but oh well! Getting up early to hopefully get tickets to see Jessie J next year :D ahhhh!!!


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