Sunday, 13 May 2012

Question Sunday.

31) What I would do if I won the lottery. Buy a new house for us all to live in and then buy my husky.
32) A description of the boy I like. Short dark blonde hair, chocolatey brown eyes, a dimple in his left who? ;)
33) What I love most about myself. The fact that I can make friends easily online and I am random and myself, despite being told a lot that I am immature and annoying. I know I am annoying but I am not going to stop being myself. I also really like my eyes...
34) My biggest pet peeves. Where do I start?...
35) What bands I’ve seen live. McFly, Sugarbabes, The Struts, Ivyrise, Dive Bella Dive...
36) Who my best friends are. I’ve answered this before? Why have it twice on the same question thing!?
37) How many kids I want in the future. 2 or 3
38) My idea of a perfect date. Somewhere surrounded by people yet where we can talk in peace. Not the cinema.
39) What I’m really good at. Photography, writing rubbish fanfics, being annoying and talking too much.
40) Most traumatic experience. Hearing my cat coughing and spluttering under my bed minutes before he died downstairs :/

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