Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Wacker Cracker

Okay I wasn't actually part of the whole Wacker Cracker experience but I was there and I filmed it and it was honestly so funny.

Right so I was round my nans with quite a few members of my family and my aunt has this book full of game ideas and she was looking for fun games to play. It was summer and so we were all outside. My aunt finds this game called Wacker Cracker which required: crackers, string and newspaper. After dinner, two of my aunts and my nan and grandad decided to play this game. Me and my mum just watched. But basically the game was: you had crackers tied around your head with string. And you had rolled up newspaper. The idea was to wack everyones crackers. In otherwords, just wack their heads with newspapers. It was hysterical to watch.

Anyway that is it :)
McFly tomorrow :D

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