I know I said I would blog twice today but I nearly forgot to blog once so I will blog twice tomorrow...OKAY?!
Even though I don't even know what to say today seeing as Herbie is no more.
I bought 42 more books from the carboot today :D
And my nan got me an early Easter present. It's a lamb. It's bloody adorable. I will post a photo tomorrow as my brother currently has my camera for some reason. He needs a name though (the lamb not my brother).
I keep seeing people on Twitter who have been to one of the past two McFly shows going 'HAS ANYONE GOT ANY SPARE TICKETS TO ANY OF THE SHOWS AS I WANT TO GO AGAIN' or something along those lines. Makes me giggle. The gig is really that good. Honestly, it is fucking amazing. Out of the three other tour shows that I have been too not once have I gone 'Oh I really have to go again as this was the best night ever'. It's always been 'I want to relive tonight as tonight was amazing'. I don't want to relive last Wednesday, I want to go to another night. Which I am next month. And I am meeting Kat again so it is doubly good. Apart from on the Sunday I am going to be miserable as who knows how long it will be until I see Kat or McFly again :'(
College tomorrow. Boo. But it's Monday and Jasmine and I have decided that every Monday we are going to detour to Tesco's to get some Skittles as they seem to sell them '3 for £1' which we don't complain about. Soo good :D
I am looking forward to this Wednesday as my mum has this week off and we are going to the car boot in the morning and to Waterlooville (?) in the afternoon. And then on Friday after college we are going to Petersfield. I need some new boooooots :D
Anywho, I am going to go now and will post twice tomorrow...or just do an extra long post.
To be honest, after my 1,300 odd words about McFly yesterday I shouldn't have to write more :P
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