Tumblr is my favourite social network site. It is literally my space which I have made my own which is full of the things I like. And it's the only social network site that I have never questioned about deleting or actually deleted. I have had around 3 Facebook's (no idea why to be honest...) and have left Facebook for a few weeks before. I've questioned tonnes about deleting my Twitter. Although this is my original blog, I didn't like it so started another. And then forgot the password so came back to this one. I have 3 YouTube accounts because I didn't like my username on the first one. And then I made one with my dream username on so no one could steal it. Yet I don't use that one, I use the other one...weird. I've questioned deleting Instagram and then restarting it and only posting actual proper photography photos rather than anything. Pretty much the same with Flickr. I have a portfolio website (well 2. As I forgot the password of the first one originally so made the second and then I remembered the first one so went back to that one...). I've tempted to delete Formspring just because it bored me.
So yes. Tumblr it is <3
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