Monday, 27 August 2012


I was watching a YouTube video yesterday (are you really surprised?) and the two people were doing Would You Rather questions and one of the questions was 'would you rather loose your hearing or your sight' and they both said sight. Now I've been thinking. Out of the two of these, I would rather loose my sight. It would be God awful because I wouldn't be able to go on the internet and stuff and see anything...but I could still hear. Yes, I wouldn't be able to read but their are audio books. I would still have music which means a lot to me. Which I've just realised is weird, me choosing hearing over sight, because I've wanted to be a Photographer for years and I wouldn't be able to be one if I couldn't see, could I? Maybe music just means more to me now. Which all along it has, really, because McFly are my life, pretty much. I don't care if I can't see them. I know from my sight now what they look like, but even if I had been blind all my life and I had been introduced to McFly, I know that I would still like them. Probably even more than I already do, if that was possible. I think I would still like Tom, as well. His voice is softer then the others and his laugh is hysterical. I would also appreciate my sense of touch much more. Plus, everyone I know would have to learn sign language if I lost my hearing which would be annoying and no one would want to bother communicating with me because it would take far too long.

But, if out of every sense, if I HAD to loose one, I would probably choose my sense of smell. I enjoy being able to see things, I would hate not being able to hear things and I live to talk so what would be the point if I couldn't? I don't really care for my sense of smell. I gag if the bin is too full as it stinks and I never used to be able to eat in the dinner hall at school which caused a hell of a lot of problems growing up. If I couldn't smell, I wouldn't have has these problems.


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