Sunday, 26 August 2012

Laura Reviews: Rumour Has It!


Rumour Has It - Jill Mansell

If you saw an ad that said 'Fun job, country house', would you be tempted?

Newly single, Tilly Cole impulsively quits her London job for a fresh start in the small town of Roxborough - and soon finds she's arrived in a hotbed of gossip, intrigue and rampant rivalry for the most desirable men. Tilly has no intention of joining  in - she's just happy to be working for Max Dineen (so many women's idea of a perfect partner in almost every way). But she hasn't counted on her reaction to Jack Lucas.

Jack is irresistible...and he's got his eye on Tilly. Then she hears rumours about his wicked reputation, and alarm bells ring. Tilly doesn't want to be just another notch one anyone's bedpost. But is she being mature and sensible - or is she running away from the love of her life?

Already from this you can probably guess what happens in the end of the book and just like most Chick Lits, of course it all ends up happily every after. But for once I actually really, really enjoyed the ending of the book; something which I haven't come across in a long, long time.

The book starts off with Tilly arriving home after work and realising that her flat is empty and her boyfriend has done a runner with all of his stuff; just a note telling her that it's over. Tilly isn't upset but she goes and visits her friend Erin in Roxborough anyway, just for some company. This is where Tilly realises that she honestly doesn't care that her now ex left her. That she in fact was distancing herself away, pushing himself away from her. Erin announces that she does this alot which Tilly realises is true, that she would hate breaking up with anyone yet when she wants out, she finds a way for him to end it.

Tilly is about to return home to London when her train is delayed. She had been reading the job section in the local paper and after Erin saying that she was always welcome in Roxborough, Tilly phones up for a job, realising that she doesn't want to go back to London really.

She gets the job and moves to Roxborough. It is a live in job with Max Dineen and his daughter Lou as a 'Friday Girl'. Basically, all Tilly is needed to do is drop and pick Lou up from school, cook dinner and help Max out from time to time. Tilly fits right in both Max and Lou love her, and she loves them.

I'm actually not going to write any more about the story line. Otherwise I'll give away the whole book, which wouldn't make you want to read it. But honestly, it is a bloody brilliant book and officially one of my favourites which deserves to be read by more.

The characters are consistent and although parts of the book were a bit strange, rushed and pointless; overall it is fabulous. My favourite character probably is Max because he's amusing and lovely.

Anyway, yarsh. Leaving it at this.

Read read read. 5 stars.


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