Saturday, 4 August 2012

Kat Says: School!

As in memories and things, she added.

Which was good as otherwise I would have pretty much just written 'school sucked but lunch times were fun and also lessons with Amy were good which ended up being a lot of lessons in year 10 and 11.

I won't talk much about infants and juniors as I can't really remember much from them but I will say a few things. Out of our school friend group, I was the only original. Meaning I was the only one who had been through the same three schools in the same area. Everyone else joined at some point or another. Amy did go to the same nursery as me, but then left. She then came back in year 4. Robyn and Olivia both started in year 5. Rhia did too, I believe (or maybe she started in year idea, sorry!) Rachel I have no idea about again, sorry. Oh, Chloe was an original but she wasn't really a member of our 'group' until near the end of year 11. (LOVE YOU CHLOE) And then the others came in year 7 (well they did to me) but we never really hung around with them until year 11.

Anyway, my secondary school experience wasn't too bad. Year 7, 8 and 9 were a bit suckish at times but the last two years were pretty much pure awesome all the way through. I was in top set English and Maths and was doing Triple Science (HOW!? For all three that is...) with Amy, and Robyn was with us in Maths and Science which was always a laugh. I was with the both in PE (Which I only did around 7 times throughout both years....awesome, I know ;) ) and I was with Amy in art too.

Oh I liked year 8 because Amy and I became closer that year which was awesome.

Photography was fun in year 10 and 11, it was fucking brilliant, actually. There are so many awesome times that occurred within those two years; mainly between Liv and I, and sometimes Tom, Sophie and Alice. But literally, I laughed so much in those lessons.

Maths sucked in year 10 as we had a crappy teacher but year 11 was brilliant. Amy and I really liked two of the maths teachers as they were lovely and crazy and we always gave them a handmade 'thank you' card at the end of each school year. And tonnes of other cards. For example, one of the teachers was going on maternity leave and so we wrote her a 'we'll miss you' card...and then made her an early christmas/easter/birthday/whatever else was in it card...which was amusing. We were mental.

There are too many memories too talk about though D: I don't know where to start, which is annoying.
But Amy is coming round next Thursday for around a week so we'll sit down one day and write down a tonne of things and I'll post it, yars? Okay, good.


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