Saturday, 25 August 2012

Kat Says: 5 facts about you that people reading your blog wouldn't know :)

Randomly, this is my 300th post :D Woop! Party! Okay, now onto the facts!

1) If I was a boy I was going to be called Reece.
2) I really like watching Casualty but I hate the title music so I have to mute the TV. I then usually switch over 5 minutes before the end because I don't like the credit music either.
3) My first celebrity crush was Sam Nixon.
4) My favourite colour is actually red.
5) I seem to like asking people if they like strawberry laces. So much so that after I was in hospital, my brothers girlfriend bought me three packs. The thing is, I like them...but not that much. I am not crackers for them. Want me to love you forever? Buy me Sour Cream and Onion Pringles or Barry M nail varnish.


Edit: I just saved this and then thought of something else which I want to inform you about. But I don't want to change one of the ones I've written so I'm just going to put it here. I seem to 'collect' lip balms/chapsticks. I don't even use them that much. I have tonnes of Vaseline pots (my mum puts on near enough every year in my stocking...and I never really use them...) and I have loads of random chap-sticks. I have a few really random ones which I don't ever remember buying, and I also have a Vanilla Coke one and a Cherry Coke one. I also have a Hello Kitty one and a Katy Perry one, both of which Kat bought me. Basically, I have them scattered around my room and everytime I come across one, I use it. 

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