This is the blog of my life. I started it in 2010 (ish) but I am blogging every day throughout 2012 on here. I love photography, writing, music, McFly, YouTube and sleep. Blargh
Friday, 31 August 2012
I went Segwey-ing with my mum, aunt, nan and grandad today. It was sooo much fun! Even though I managed to crash into a tree like a minute before we finished and fell off into a load of mud -.- but it made it even more fun :') xox
Thursday, 30 August 2012
2 Weeks.
My laptop isn't going away until next Wednesday and I won't get it back until the following Wednesday which sucks but oh well. You'll have to put up with shorter iPod blogs which will suck but that's life!
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
That's only because I know that I won't be adding to any story thing today as my laptop is buggered yet again but we are taking it in tomorrow to hopefully get fixed and I have backed up practically everything so Laura is a happy Laura for once when her laptop has fucked up!
So it'll be short ipod blogs which I will most likely forget about for around a week most likely!!
So it'll be short ipod blogs which I will most likely forget about for around a week most likely!!
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Okay my official OTP is Phan. I am obsessed with both Dan and Phil and I will now let you know why. - Dan singing A Whole New World to Phil. PHAN SHIPPING OVERLOAD - Phil gives Dan the Edward Cullen mask and the whole thing starts. LITERALLY (I cannot say this word normally now, everytime it sounds weird and I end up saying it over and over again) Dan baaing on helium is one of the most amazing things in the world.Plus the fact that I now want to go around with permanent cat whiskers on my face. I can't say zebra properly either any more and I say microwave in a weird way and do the little action that Dan does. I love Dan's Rave Time song. I want to sing it constantly.
Rave time, rave time, rave time.
Rave time, rave time, rave time.
Don’t step on the glass.
Don’t step on the glass.
Tinsle in your foot.
Bauble in your foot.
Bauble in your eye.
Everybody cries when you go to A&E with a bauble in your face.
Blood everywhere. - Dan singing A Whole New World to Phil. PHAN SHIPPING OVERLOAD - Phil gives Dan the Edward Cullen mask and the whole thing starts. LITERALLY (I cannot say this word normally now, everytime it sounds weird and I end up saying it over and over again) Dan baaing on helium is one of the most amazing things in the world.Plus the fact that I now want to go around with permanent cat whiskers on my face. I can't say zebra properly either any more and I say microwave in a weird way and do the little action that Dan does. I love Dan's Rave Time song. I want to sing it constantly.
Rave time, rave time, rave time.
Rave time, rave time, rave time.
Don’t step on the glass.
Don’t step on the glass.
Tinsle in your foot.
Bauble in your foot.
Bauble in your eye.
Everybody cries when you go to A&E with a bauble in your face.
Blood everywhere. The fact that this is just adorable and Phantastic and stuff. They introduced me to the BEST GAME ON PLANET EARTH!
Also I feel normal about hardly ever wearing matching socks because Phil always wears odd socks. And Dan has a love of Placenta which just deserves to be mentioned here.
I have no idea what this blog post is about but I have all of these videos copied onto a Word decided to save them here instead and to share them with you.
Please watch at least one.
They are phantastic and beautiful
Monday, 27 August 2012
I was watching a YouTube video yesterday (are you really surprised?) and the two people were doing Would You Rather questions and one of the questions was 'would you rather loose your hearing or your sight' and they both said sight. Now I've been thinking. Out of the two of these, I would rather loose my sight. It would be God awful because I wouldn't be able to go on the internet and stuff and see anything...but I could still hear. Yes, I wouldn't be able to read but their are audio books. I would still have music which means a lot to me. Which I've just realised is weird, me choosing hearing over sight, because I've wanted to be a Photographer for years and I wouldn't be able to be one if I couldn't see, could I? Maybe music just means more to me now. Which all along it has, really, because McFly are my life, pretty much. I don't care if I can't see them. I know from my sight now what they look like, but even if I had been blind all my life and I had been introduced to McFly, I know that I would still like them. Probably even more than I already do, if that was possible. I think I would still like Tom, as well. His voice is softer then the others and his laugh is hysterical. I would also appreciate my sense of touch much more. Plus, everyone I know would have to learn sign language if I lost my hearing which would be annoying and no one would want to bother communicating with me because it would take far too long.
But, if out of every sense, if I HAD to loose one, I would probably choose my sense of smell. I enjoy being able to see things, I would hate not being able to hear things and I live to talk so what would be the point if I couldn't? I don't really care for my sense of smell. I gag if the bin is too full as it stinks and I never used to be able to eat in the dinner hall at school which caused a hell of a lot of problems growing up. If I couldn't smell, I wouldn't have has these problems.
But, if out of every sense, if I HAD to loose one, I would probably choose my sense of smell. I enjoy being able to see things, I would hate not being able to hear things and I live to talk so what would be the point if I couldn't? I don't really care for my sense of smell. I gag if the bin is too full as it stinks and I never used to be able to eat in the dinner hall at school which caused a hell of a lot of problems growing up. If I couldn't smell, I wouldn't have has these problems.
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Laura Reviews: Rumour Has It!
Rumour Has It - Jill Mansell
If you saw an ad that said 'Fun job, country house', would you be tempted?
Newly single, Tilly Cole impulsively quits her London job for a fresh start in the small town of Roxborough - and soon finds she's arrived in a hotbed of gossip, intrigue and rampant rivalry for the most desirable men. Tilly has no intention of joining in - she's just happy to be working for Max Dineen (so many women's idea of a perfect partner in almost every way). But she hasn't counted on her reaction to Jack Lucas.
Jack is irresistible...and he's got his eye on Tilly. Then she hears rumours about his wicked reputation, and alarm bells ring. Tilly doesn't want to be just another notch one anyone's bedpost. But is she being mature and sensible - or is she running away from the love of her life?
Already from this you can probably guess what happens in the end of the book and just like most Chick Lits, of course it all ends up happily every after. But for once I actually really, really enjoyed the ending of the book; something which I haven't come across in a long, long time.
The book starts off with Tilly arriving home after work and realising that her flat is empty and her boyfriend has done a runner with all of his stuff; just a note telling her that it's over. Tilly isn't upset but she goes and visits her friend Erin in Roxborough anyway, just for some company. This is where Tilly realises that she honestly doesn't care that her now ex left her. That she in fact was distancing herself away, pushing himself away from her. Erin announces that she does this alot which Tilly realises is true, that she would hate breaking up with anyone yet when she wants out, she finds a way for him to end it.
Tilly is about to return home to London when her train is delayed. She had been reading the job section in the local paper and after Erin saying that she was always welcome in Roxborough, Tilly phones up for a job, realising that she doesn't want to go back to London really.
She gets the job and moves to Roxborough. It is a live in job with Max Dineen and his daughter Lou as a 'Friday Girl'. Basically, all Tilly is needed to do is drop and pick Lou up from school, cook dinner and help Max out from time to time. Tilly fits right in both Max and Lou love her, and she loves them.
I'm actually not going to write any more about the story line. Otherwise I'll give away the whole book, which wouldn't make you want to read it. But honestly, it is a bloody brilliant book and officially one of my favourites which deserves to be read by more.
The characters are consistent and although parts of the book were a bit strange, rushed and pointless; overall it is fabulous. My favourite character probably is Max because he's amusing and lovely.
Anyway, yarsh. Leaving it at this.
Read read read. 5 stars.
Rumour Has It - Jill Mansell
If you saw an ad that said 'Fun job, country house', would you be tempted?
Newly single, Tilly Cole impulsively quits her London job for a fresh start in the small town of Roxborough - and soon finds she's arrived in a hotbed of gossip, intrigue and rampant rivalry for the most desirable men. Tilly has no intention of joining in - she's just happy to be working for Max Dineen (so many women's idea of a perfect partner in almost every way). But she hasn't counted on her reaction to Jack Lucas.
Jack is irresistible...and he's got his eye on Tilly. Then she hears rumours about his wicked reputation, and alarm bells ring. Tilly doesn't want to be just another notch one anyone's bedpost. But is she being mature and sensible - or is she running away from the love of her life?
Already from this you can probably guess what happens in the end of the book and just like most Chick Lits, of course it all ends up happily every after. But for once I actually really, really enjoyed the ending of the book; something which I haven't come across in a long, long time.
The book starts off with Tilly arriving home after work and realising that her flat is empty and her boyfriend has done a runner with all of his stuff; just a note telling her that it's over. Tilly isn't upset but she goes and visits her friend Erin in Roxborough anyway, just for some company. This is where Tilly realises that she honestly doesn't care that her now ex left her. That she in fact was distancing herself away, pushing himself away from her. Erin announces that she does this alot which Tilly realises is true, that she would hate breaking up with anyone yet when she wants out, she finds a way for him to end it.
Tilly is about to return home to London when her train is delayed. She had been reading the job section in the local paper and after Erin saying that she was always welcome in Roxborough, Tilly phones up for a job, realising that she doesn't want to go back to London really.
She gets the job and moves to Roxborough. It is a live in job with Max Dineen and his daughter Lou as a 'Friday Girl'. Basically, all Tilly is needed to do is drop and pick Lou up from school, cook dinner and help Max out from time to time. Tilly fits right in both Max and Lou love her, and she loves them.
I'm actually not going to write any more about the story line. Otherwise I'll give away the whole book, which wouldn't make you want to read it. But honestly, it is a bloody brilliant book and officially one of my favourites which deserves to be read by more.
The characters are consistent and although parts of the book were a bit strange, rushed and pointless; overall it is fabulous. My favourite character probably is Max because he's amusing and lovely.
Anyway, yarsh. Leaving it at this.
Read read read. 5 stars.
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Kat Says: 5 facts about you that people reading your blog wouldn't know :)
Randomly, this is my 300th post :D Woop! Party! Okay, now onto the facts!
1) If I was a boy I was going to be called Reece.
2) I really like watching Casualty but I hate the title music so I have to mute the TV. I then usually switch over 5 minutes before the end because I don't like the credit music either.
3) My first celebrity crush was Sam Nixon.
4) My favourite colour is actually red.
5) I seem to like asking people if they like strawberry laces. So much so that after I was in hospital, my brothers girlfriend bought me three packs. The thing is, I like them...but not that much. I am not crackers for them. Want me to love you forever? Buy me Sour Cream and Onion Pringles or Barry M nail varnish.
Edit: I just saved this and then thought of something else which I want to inform you about. But I don't want to change one of the ones I've written so I'm just going to put it here. I seem to 'collect' lip balms/chapsticks. I don't even use them that much. I have tonnes of Vaseline pots (my mum puts on near enough every year in my stocking...and I never really use them...) and I have loads of random chap-sticks. I have a few really random ones which I don't ever remember buying, and I also have a Vanilla Coke one and a Cherry Coke one. I also have a Hello Kitty one and a Katy Perry one, both of which Kat bought me. Basically, I have them scattered around my room and everytime I come across one, I use it.
1) If I was a boy I was going to be called Reece.
2) I really like watching Casualty but I hate the title music so I have to mute the TV. I then usually switch over 5 minutes before the end because I don't like the credit music either.
3) My first celebrity crush was Sam Nixon.
4) My favourite colour is actually red.
5) I seem to like asking people if they like strawberry laces. So much so that after I was in hospital, my brothers girlfriend bought me three packs. The thing is, I like them...but not that much. I am not crackers for them. Want me to love you forever? Buy me Sour Cream and Onion Pringles or Barry M nail varnish.
Edit: I just saved this and then thought of something else which I want to inform you about. But I don't want to change one of the ones I've written so I'm just going to put it here. I seem to 'collect' lip balms/chapsticks. I don't even use them that much. I have tonnes of Vaseline pots (my mum puts on near enough every year in my stocking...and I never really use them...) and I have loads of random chap-sticks. I have a few really random ones which I don't ever remember buying, and I also have a Vanilla Coke one and a Cherry Coke one. I also have a Hello Kitty one and a Katy Perry one, both of which Kat bought me. Basically, I have them scattered around my room and everytime I come across one, I use it.
Friday, 24 August 2012
Blog. But I'm reading. And it's good. So no blog. Bye.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Other Words.
I still haven't written anything for my 'blog story' as I call it so I'm going to just post this other story thing that I wrote last year. I actually wrote it for NaNoWriMo and got quite far into it but I then lost a load of it so wrote something else. But, to me, it's one of the best pieces of fanfiction that I have written. So yes, you can read the first chapter :)
1: If We Ever Meet Again.
Shiloh was late for work.
This was the third time this week that she had left her apartment late and so had to rush to work; ignoring Costa and her usual morning hot chocolate. Shiloh brushed past the people who were swarming the already crowded London street. She turned the corner and walked straight into someone, resulting in her dropping all of her things.
Tom was early for work.
This was the third time this week that he had left his house early and so had got to the studio too early. Today however was the earliest. Today the bands manager wasn’t even here so Tom couldn’t get into the studio; he had to stand out in the freezing November cold and so he decided to go for a walk to keep himself warm. He turned the corner and walked straight into someone, resulting in her dropping all of her things.
“I’m so sorry!” Tom and Shiloh both said in unison as they bent down to pick up all of Shiloh’s things. “No it was entirely my fault” Shiloh muttered, picking up her presentation folder and placing it under her arm. “No no I should have been looking where I was going. Have you got everything?” Tom asked, handing Shiloh the last of her things.
Shiloh was late for work.
This was the third time this week that she had left her apartment late and so had to rush to work; ignoring Costa and her usual morning hot chocolate. Shiloh brushed past the people who were swarming the already crowded London street. She turned the corner and walked straight into someone, resulting in her dropping all of her things.
Tom was early for work.
This was the third time this week that he had left his house early and so had got to the studio too early. Today however was the earliest. Today the bands manager wasn’t even here so Tom couldn’t get into the studio; he had to stand out in the freezing November cold and so he decided to go for a walk to keep himself warm. He turned the corner and walked straight into someone, resulting in her dropping all of her things.
“I’m so sorry!” Tom and Shiloh both said in unison as they bent down to pick up all of Shiloh’s things. “No it was entirely my fault” Shiloh muttered, picking up her presentation folder and placing it under her arm. “No no I should have been looking where I was going. Have you got everything?” Tom asked, handing Shiloh the last of her things.
think so. Thank you” Shiloh said as she stood up and lifted her head up to
smile at the stranger. Tom was now standing and was looking across the road as
he had seen one of his band mates pull up in their car the other side of the
street. “Hey, thank you” Shiloh laughed, hitting Tom gently on the arm. “Oh no problem” Tom laughed, turning his attention
back to Shiloh. “Wow” He whispered.
“Pardon?” Shiloh questioned.
“Oh sorry it’s just that you are incredibly beautiful” Tom grinned.
“Oh well thank you” Shiloh could feel herself blushing. She took in all of the strangers features for the first time and instantly forgot about work. He had short blonde hair which was swept over – almost like a quiff – which would have usually made Shiloh gag but strangely, the hair suited him. He had the most intense chocolate brown eyes which were drawing her into him, making her melt. He had an adorable smile which when he grinned enough, showed off a dimple in his right cheek. He showed a good sense of style. Tom was wearing his Wolverine tank top, his beige jacket and some black skinnies. Shiloh noted to herself that he was also wearing the most luscious pair of DC’s that she had ever seen. Shiloh grinned but was bought back to reality by the stranger waving in front of her face. “Hello?” Tom laughed.
“Sorry, I went into my own little world back then” Shiloh laughed.
“I figured. I’m Tom Fletcher by the way” Tom smiled.
“Hey Tom. I’m Shiloh Corkerton” Shiloh smiled back.
“Wow what a gorgeous name. Matches you” Tom grinned. Shiloh could feel herself blushing again. If he keeps at it then I’m going to look like a tomato Shiloh thought to herself. “Is Matt here yet Tom? It’s bloody cold out here” Tom’s band mate asked as he crossed the road and reached him. “Yeah Dougie, that’s why I’m standing out in the cold” Tom laughed.
“Well I figured you just hadn’t gone in as you were talking to beauty here” Dougie said, smiling at Shiloh. “Nah I went for a walk to keep warm but I bumped into Shiloh here. Literally bumped into her” Tom laughed.
“Oh dear. I bet he did it on purpose hun, he’s awful at getting the ladies. Anyway, I’m going to go wait outside the studio T-bone. See you hun” Dougie smiled at Shiloh before he turned away and walked around the corner. “Ignore him” Tom muttered.
“Ignore who?” Shiloh grinned.
“Exactly” Tom laughed. He stopped and just smiled. “I’m not trying to freak you out but you really are beautiful” Tom smiled. When he had bumped into Shiloh and they were picking up her stuff, Tom caught a glance of her out of the corner of his eye and he was mesmerized. He was known for dating brunettes but this girl had blonde hair with a streak of pink on the left side. Whilst talking to her he noticed her emerald green eyes which shone in the sun and the freckles which lightly dotted her nose and cheeks. Shiloh was wearing a tight black pencil skirt which showed off her curves and high heels which gave her the height she desired. She was also wearing her white work shirt which she always wore to meetings and her favourite long black cardigan. “You’re not too bad looking yourself Tom” Shiloh managed to say. She didn’t want to embarrass herself by turning beetroot in front of this gorgeous man and so was trying to turn the attention to him. “We would look great together” Tom grinned as his phone starting ringing. “Excuse me a minute” Tom said as he saw who was trying to contact him. He answered his phone and turned around to speak to his manager. Just at that moment, Shiloh’s phone started buzzing from her bag. She fumbled around, trying to get her phone out of her bag whilst trying not to drop everything else. Somehow she managed it and she answered her phone without checking to see who it was. “Hello?” She said. “Where the feck are you Shiloh?” She heard her best friend Will growl. Everything suddenly came flooding back to Shiloh and she remembered work. “Sorry I’m running really late, traffic” Shiloh lied.
“You walk into work Shiloh, I’m that fecking stupid” Will snapped.
“People traffic…” Shiloh muttered.
“Whatever. Just hurry up. Max and I are trying to hold everyone here but they’re getting agitated. If you’re not here in say 10 minutes then they’re not going to be here” Will barked.
“I’ll be there okay!” Shiloh yelled, hating that her best friend was moaning at her. Shiloh hung up on Will and put her phone back in her bag before turning back to Tom who was stood smiling at her. “Problem?” He asked.
“Emergency at work. I have to go, sorry” Shiloh said, hoisting her bag up on her shoulder and making sure that once again she was holding everything that she had left with. “Oh well it was nice meeting you Shiloh” Tom smiled before he turned around and headed towards the studio. Shiloh was stunned to the spot for a few seconds before she remembered, yet again, that she was meant to be at work so she rushed off towards the office; all the while wondering why Tom had walked off without giving her his number seeing as he had taken such interest in her.
In the meantime, Tom had walked round to the front of the studio to be greeted by Dougie slapping him hard on the back. “Congrats dude! You pulled!” Dougie grinned.
“Sort of I guess” Tom smiled.
“What do you mean sort of? You got her number didn’t you?” Dougie asked. Tom lowered his head. “Oh for goodness sake Tom you idiot! You should have just asked her! She seemed perfectly keen in you and she was gorgeous” Dougie muttered.
“She has my number” Tom whispered.
“Pardon?” Shiloh questioned.
“Oh sorry it’s just that you are incredibly beautiful” Tom grinned.
“Oh well thank you” Shiloh could feel herself blushing. She took in all of the strangers features for the first time and instantly forgot about work. He had short blonde hair which was swept over – almost like a quiff – which would have usually made Shiloh gag but strangely, the hair suited him. He had the most intense chocolate brown eyes which were drawing her into him, making her melt. He had an adorable smile which when he grinned enough, showed off a dimple in his right cheek. He showed a good sense of style. Tom was wearing his Wolverine tank top, his beige jacket and some black skinnies. Shiloh noted to herself that he was also wearing the most luscious pair of DC’s that she had ever seen. Shiloh grinned but was bought back to reality by the stranger waving in front of her face. “Hello?” Tom laughed.
“Sorry, I went into my own little world back then” Shiloh laughed.
“I figured. I’m Tom Fletcher by the way” Tom smiled.
“Hey Tom. I’m Shiloh Corkerton” Shiloh smiled back.
“Wow what a gorgeous name. Matches you” Tom grinned. Shiloh could feel herself blushing again. If he keeps at it then I’m going to look like a tomato Shiloh thought to herself. “Is Matt here yet Tom? It’s bloody cold out here” Tom’s band mate asked as he crossed the road and reached him. “Yeah Dougie, that’s why I’m standing out in the cold” Tom laughed.
“Well I figured you just hadn’t gone in as you were talking to beauty here” Dougie said, smiling at Shiloh. “Nah I went for a walk to keep warm but I bumped into Shiloh here. Literally bumped into her” Tom laughed.
“Oh dear. I bet he did it on purpose hun, he’s awful at getting the ladies. Anyway, I’m going to go wait outside the studio T-bone. See you hun” Dougie smiled at Shiloh before he turned away and walked around the corner. “Ignore him” Tom muttered.
“Ignore who?” Shiloh grinned.
“Exactly” Tom laughed. He stopped and just smiled. “I’m not trying to freak you out but you really are beautiful” Tom smiled. When he had bumped into Shiloh and they were picking up her stuff, Tom caught a glance of her out of the corner of his eye and he was mesmerized. He was known for dating brunettes but this girl had blonde hair with a streak of pink on the left side. Whilst talking to her he noticed her emerald green eyes which shone in the sun and the freckles which lightly dotted her nose and cheeks. Shiloh was wearing a tight black pencil skirt which showed off her curves and high heels which gave her the height she desired. She was also wearing her white work shirt which she always wore to meetings and her favourite long black cardigan. “You’re not too bad looking yourself Tom” Shiloh managed to say. She didn’t want to embarrass herself by turning beetroot in front of this gorgeous man and so was trying to turn the attention to him. “We would look great together” Tom grinned as his phone starting ringing. “Excuse me a minute” Tom said as he saw who was trying to contact him. He answered his phone and turned around to speak to his manager. Just at that moment, Shiloh’s phone started buzzing from her bag. She fumbled around, trying to get her phone out of her bag whilst trying not to drop everything else. Somehow she managed it and she answered her phone without checking to see who it was. “Hello?” She said. “Where the feck are you Shiloh?” She heard her best friend Will growl. Everything suddenly came flooding back to Shiloh and she remembered work. “Sorry I’m running really late, traffic” Shiloh lied.
“You walk into work Shiloh, I’m that fecking stupid” Will snapped.
“People traffic…” Shiloh muttered.
“Whatever. Just hurry up. Max and I are trying to hold everyone here but they’re getting agitated. If you’re not here in say 10 minutes then they’re not going to be here” Will barked.
“I’ll be there okay!” Shiloh yelled, hating that her best friend was moaning at her. Shiloh hung up on Will and put her phone back in her bag before turning back to Tom who was stood smiling at her. “Problem?” He asked.
“Emergency at work. I have to go, sorry” Shiloh said, hoisting her bag up on her shoulder and making sure that once again she was holding everything that she had left with. “Oh well it was nice meeting you Shiloh” Tom smiled before he turned around and headed towards the studio. Shiloh was stunned to the spot for a few seconds before she remembered, yet again, that she was meant to be at work so she rushed off towards the office; all the while wondering why Tom had walked off without giving her his number seeing as he had taken such interest in her.
In the meantime, Tom had walked round to the front of the studio to be greeted by Dougie slapping him hard on the back. “Congrats dude! You pulled!” Dougie grinned.
“Sort of I guess” Tom smiled.
“What do you mean sort of? You got her number didn’t you?” Dougie asked. Tom lowered his head. “Oh for goodness sake Tom you idiot! You should have just asked her! She seemed perfectly keen in you and she was gorgeous” Dougie muttered.
“She has my number” Tom whispered.
asked you for your number? Most forward woman ever. Is she a fan?” Dougie
“No she didn’t and not that I know of…” Tom replied. Who cares if she is a fan Tom thought to himself; she’s stunning.
By the time Shiloh had arrived at the office, she was feeling like this was all her fault. She could have asked for his number, couldn’t she? Oh well, if we ever meet again then I will get his number. No matter what. He’s cute.
“No she didn’t and not that I know of…” Tom replied. Who cares if she is a fan Tom thought to himself; she’s stunning.
By the time Shiloh had arrived at the office, she was feeling like this was all her fault. She could have asked for his number, couldn’t she? Oh well, if we ever meet again then I will get his number. No matter what. He’s cute.
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
I haven't got any of the story which still does not have a name for you today. As you can tell, the weekly routine (whatever it was) has pretty much gone out of the window...well, I still am trying to add to the story on a Wednesday, I still 'review' on a Thursday and Kat still gives me a topic on a Saturday...but that's it. Ahh well. I tried writing today but got frustrated as it wasn't going right so I stopped.
Instead, you can have some Phan.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
I have spent far too much of my day searching on Tumblr 'danisnotonfire' and 'dan howell' and YouTubing 'danisnotonfire' and 'dan howell' and Googling 'danisnotonfire' and 'dan howell' and writing some of my fic which includes Dan...
Ergh it's Dan overload.
But he is just too adorable <3
Monday, 20 August 2012
Tumblr is my favourite social network site. It is literally my space which I have made my own which is full of the things I like. And it's the only social network site that I have never questioned about deleting or actually deleted. I have had around 3 Facebook's (no idea why to be honest...) and have left Facebook for a few weeks before. I've questioned tonnes about deleting my Twitter. Although this is my original blog, I didn't like it so started another. And then forgot the password so came back to this one. I have 3 YouTube accounts because I didn't like my username on the first one. And then I made one with my dream username on so no one could steal it. Yet I don't use that one, I use the other one...weird. I've questioned deleting Instagram and then restarting it and only posting actual proper photography photos rather than anything. Pretty much the same with Flickr. I have a portfolio website (well 2. As I forgot the password of the first one originally so made the second and then I remembered the first one so went back to that one...). I've tempted to delete Formspring just because it bored me.
So yes. Tumblr it is <3
So yes. Tumblr it is <3
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Do you like your name? If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I just asked someone this on and so I decided to blog about it.
I don't particularly like my name very much. I would love an uncommon unusual name, rather than Laura which is very common. But I wouldn't change my name, even if I could because it is my name and this is me. So yars :/
I don't particularly like my name very much. I would love an uncommon unusual name, rather than Laura which is very common. But I wouldn't change my name, even if I could because it is my name and this is me. So yars :/
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Kat Says: Top 10 Films!
My top 10 favourite films.
1) Confessions of a Shopaholic - my ultimate favourite film. Isla Fisher plays the lead Rebecca Bloomwood so well! Although their are a lot of differences between the film and the book; I love both. I just wish that their was a sequel but I don't think that their will ever be one.
2) Finding Nemo - Do I really need a reason? It is a bloody epic film! With all the fishies and seagulls and stuff. Dory is amazing <3 and yeah :')
3) How To Loose a Guy in 10 Days - It is a really funny film. Kate Hudson is amazing and so is Matthew whats-his-name. They work so well together and it is just brilliant!
4) Just My Luck - McFly. Enough said? I also like Chris Pine. But I actually bought the film because I used to be obsessed with Lindsay Lohan.......
5) Monsters Inc - I LOVE MIKE AND SULLEY AND BOO AND AHH it is just an epic film!
6) Life As We Know It - Sad to start, but then highly amusing and lovely. Just a really lovely film :) and the kid is adorable.
7) Toy Story 3 - This is the best out of all three Toy Story films, despite the ending and the fact I cried the first few times I watched it. So good!
8) Camp Rock - The songs. Joe Jonas. 'nuff said.
9) The Vow - awful what happened yet a fantastic and funny overall film.
10) Easy A - amazing and hilarious. I only got it earlier this year and I've watched it so much. This is my current addiction film that I want to watch every night.
Just to note, these aren't in the right order. Although Confessions of a Shopaholic is my ultimate favourite book in the world. Easy A would be nearer the top; plus there are many missing.
1) Confessions of a Shopaholic - my ultimate favourite film. Isla Fisher plays the lead Rebecca Bloomwood so well! Although their are a lot of differences between the film and the book; I love both. I just wish that their was a sequel but I don't think that their will ever be one.
2) Finding Nemo - Do I really need a reason? It is a bloody epic film! With all the fishies and seagulls and stuff. Dory is amazing <3 and yeah :')
3) How To Loose a Guy in 10 Days - It is a really funny film. Kate Hudson is amazing and so is Matthew whats-his-name. They work so well together and it is just brilliant!
4) Just My Luck - McFly. Enough said? I also like Chris Pine. But I actually bought the film because I used to be obsessed with Lindsay Lohan.......
5) Monsters Inc - I LOVE MIKE AND SULLEY AND BOO AND AHH it is just an epic film!
6) Life As We Know It - Sad to start, but then highly amusing and lovely. Just a really lovely film :) and the kid is adorable.
7) Toy Story 3 - This is the best out of all three Toy Story films, despite the ending and the fact I cried the first few times I watched it. So good!
8) Camp Rock - The songs. Joe Jonas. 'nuff said.
9) The Vow - awful what happened yet a fantastic and funny overall film.
10) Easy A - amazing and hilarious. I only got it earlier this year and I've watched it so much. This is my current addiction film that I want to watch every night.
Just to note, these aren't in the right order. Although Confessions of a Shopaholic is my ultimate favourite book in the world. Easy A would be nearer the top; plus there are many missing.
Friday, 17 August 2012
I used to be obsessed with that song. And I mean obsessed. I go through phases of being obsessed with certain songs and then listening to them on repeat for ages and then I hate them and don't listen to them for ages and then when I find them magically on iTunes when I'm listening to music on shuffle, I grin and start singing along. But everyone does that, right? Well...that what tumblr told me :')
Oh well!
I also go through phases of listening constantly to certain artists. Like I'll constantly listen to Katy Perry for days. And then won't listen to her for weeks. But that's how I roll..
Oh well!
I also go through phases of listening constantly to certain artists. Like I'll constantly listen to Katy Perry for days. And then won't listen to her for weeks. But that's how I roll..
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Dan Howell
Is a bloody beautiful human being.
And he is so adorably awkward <3 I just want to give him a cuddle and a llama.
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Something To Read
“Sure?” Tom
asked. I nodded. He smiled before looking ahead of him at his TV screen. He
turned it on and grinned. “Instructions on the seat” He said.
“Why do we
need instructions on the seat?” I laughed.
vibrate, there is a secret compartment, they recline...” Tom listed.
“I don’t
really care yet Tom. Can we watch a film?” I asked as I switched my little
telly on.
“Sure” Tom
replied, clicking on films at the bottom of the telly.
“Oh it’s a
touch screen! How awesome!” I giggled, touching films too. Tom laughed at me
before he handed me a pair of earphones. “Ooo and these are much nicer than the
ones in the normal area” I giggled. Tom laughed. “Well that is kind of the
point of being up here” Tom said. I giggled, plugging the earphones into the TV
before placing them in my ears. “What film do you want to watch?” Tom asked. “We
can watch different films you know” I laughed.
“I know
that, silly. I just want to watch what you watch. See if we can start them at
the same time” Tom said as it was announced that the plane would be taking off
in 5 minutes so could we all put our seatbelts on. I already had mine on but
Tom didn’t so he put his on. “Fair enough. I’ll just look” I said before I
started scrolling through the telly. A minute or so later I grinned, finding my
all-time favourite film. “Can we watch How To Loose A Guy In 10 Days please?” I
“Of course,
let me just find it” Tom replied as he started scrolling. “Got it” He grinned a
few seconds later. “How are we going to start it at the same time?” I turned to
Tom and asked.
“After 3?”
He suggested.
“Right after
3 or on the count of 3?” I giggled.
“1, 2, 3 and
then we click, okay?” Tom laughed.
“Alright” I
“1” Tom
“2” I
“3” Tom
laughed and then we both hit play. I watched both screens as they lit up at
exactly the same time. “Yess!” Tom grinned. I laughed before taking hold of his
hand. He squeezed it tight.
15 minutes
later and we were up in the air. The worst part was over and Tom was still
holding my hand tightly. I let tugged my earphones out before looking over at
Tom and smiled. A short while later he turned and smiled and, noticing that I
wasn’t wearing my earphones, tugged his own out. “Are you okay sweetie?” He
“Yeah I was
just watching you beautiful” I replied.
“Hmm” Tom
“I was” I
laughed before leaning over and kissing his stubbly chin. “I honestly do like
the stubble” I giggled. “I haven’t shaved in over a week and this is what I
get. Most guys would have near enough a full beard by now” Tom laughed.
“I wouldn’t
want a full beard on you” I said, resting my forehead against his.
Word Count: 16, 795
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Confessions Of A Shopaholic
Watched this this evening with Amy on her last night here. Which sucks because it's going to be so quiet tomorrow evening :(
But the film was fabby dabby like always. Amy and I used to watch it allll the time. Then we kind of stopped and neither of us had watched it in ages so decided to watch it again. We kept quoting it all; it's all so good!!
I googled.
When I leave this ouse, the hoppertunity leaves with me.
Ahhhh all too good!!!!
But the film was fabby dabby like always. Amy and I used to watch it allll the time. Then we kind of stopped and neither of us had watched it in ages so decided to watch it again. We kept quoting it all; it's all so good!!
I googled.
When I leave this ouse, the hoppertunity leaves with me.
Ahhhh all too good!!!!
Monday, 13 August 2012
Laura and Amy at the Olympic Games!
Amy and I spent around 4 1/2 hours on Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games on the Wii...but we only had one remote which rather sucked but ahh well. We unlocked new games by doing Circuits, and each of us playing the games that we were best at. As it turns out, Amy is best at swimming, hurdles and the relay. I am best at the more violent games; javelin, fencing and hammerthrow. Hmm...yeah :')
It was fuuuuun :D
And then we made sausage casserole, veggies and roast potatoes :')
It was fuuuuun :D
And then we made sausage casserole, veggies and roast potatoes :')
Sunday, 12 August 2012
How and when did we meet?
At playschool, around 14 years ago
How long have we been best friends for?
Ermmmmm since around year 7 i think
Describe me in three words.
awesome, lovely and funny
Write about your favourite memory involving us.
Oh god there are so many! And I can never remember them all at any one time but probably one from maths. So lets go with open evening :) when we helped with the maths "quiz" with Rhia and mrs masters asked me if I wanted to take home the yellow paper to paper my bedroom because I kept it closest to me and I ended up crying with laughter.
What is one thing that we have to do in the future together?
Travel the world, or if all else fails...go to worplesdon.
What is your favourite inside joke?
hypotonuse aka "hippopotomus"
What song describes our friendship the most?
Wherever you will go just because we will always be here for each other, no matter what happens but cant forget AGADOO
What thing about me annoys you the most?
Your ability to use the phrase "oh dear oh dear oh dear" and "fairs" at any given opportunity.
Describe our friendship in one word.
Marvilisomoss (you can work out your own spelling!)
What is your favourite thing about me?
the fact that you are just you :)
Answered by Amy :) xx
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Kat Says: If you had to put 5 things in a time capsule, what would you choose and why?
Which is a brilliant question!
I think my first thing would be the photo of Tom and I. Just because that was one of the most magical days of my life and I would like others in the future to see it and know that I met him. Even though they probably would have no idea who he was. Maybe I would write his name on the back so they could Google him and then fall in love with McFly for themselves :')
My second thing would be Barry. Even though he wouldn't fit. Because he is a penguin, which is one of my favourite animals, I love stuffed teddies and stuff and because it reminds me of my two closest friends. Amy because I was with her when I got him and Kat because he is named in Barry Chuckle. So yaars...and I wouldn't put Dudley in so Barry it is!
I think my third would be these three little silver foil things that I have from the last time I saw McFly. They fired them out at the end (like confetti) and Kat caught them for me and gave them to me. Again, it's the McFly thing and because that was an amazing day. No one would really understand it though, but oh well!
I would probably also write a letter to whoever was reading it and just write a bit about my life, just because I'm interested in other peoples lives and I hope that they would like to hear about mine. If it would be...say, 50 or so years in the future, times would probably have changed quite a bit so they might like to hear what life was like when I was 17. Also, I love writing.
I would also probably put in a photo of my mum and I, just because I love my mum to pieces, do I need to go into more depth? :')
This was actually rather hard to narrow it down to only 5 things. I wanted to add a couple of my hospital notes, a photo of Amy and I and Kat and I too. I also wanted to add something owl related because I'm obsessed. I would want to also put something related to a laptop/computer because I am obsessed there too. Also something like my iPod. OMG that's a brilliant idea! Putting an iPod in so they could then listen to the sort of music that I liked when I was younger! Oh geez, sucks that I didn't think of that before :') Aha. I would probably also want to put something related to that has been a big part of my life for ages. But tough, I only got 5 things and I'm happy with my 5.
I think my first thing would be the photo of Tom and I. Just because that was one of the most magical days of my life and I would like others in the future to see it and know that I met him. Even though they probably would have no idea who he was. Maybe I would write his name on the back so they could Google him and then fall in love with McFly for themselves :')
My second thing would be Barry. Even though he wouldn't fit. Because he is a penguin, which is one of my favourite animals, I love stuffed teddies and stuff and because it reminds me of my two closest friends. Amy because I was with her when I got him and Kat because he is named in Barry Chuckle. So yaars...and I wouldn't put Dudley in so Barry it is!
I think my third would be these three little silver foil things that I have from the last time I saw McFly. They fired them out at the end (like confetti) and Kat caught them for me and gave them to me. Again, it's the McFly thing and because that was an amazing day. No one would really understand it though, but oh well!
I would probably also write a letter to whoever was reading it and just write a bit about my life, just because I'm interested in other peoples lives and I hope that they would like to hear about mine. If it would be...say, 50 or so years in the future, times would probably have changed quite a bit so they might like to hear what life was like when I was 17. Also, I love writing.
I would also probably put in a photo of my mum and I, just because I love my mum to pieces, do I need to go into more depth? :')
This was actually rather hard to narrow it down to only 5 things. I wanted to add a couple of my hospital notes, a photo of Amy and I and Kat and I too. I also wanted to add something owl related because I'm obsessed. I would want to also put something related to a laptop/computer because I am obsessed there too. Also something like my iPod. OMG that's a brilliant idea! Putting an iPod in so they could then listen to the sort of music that I liked when I was younger! Oh geez, sucks that I didn't think of that before :') Aha. I would probably also want to put something related to that has been a big part of my life for ages. But tough, I only got 5 things and I'm happy with my 5.
Friday, 10 August 2012
Herrow :)
Today consisted of:
Today consisted of:
- Waking Up
- Eating Breakfast
- Making Cakes.
- Eating Lunch.
- Going To My Nans.
- Playing Swingball.
- Playing Badminton.
- Sitting In The Shade.
- Going Home.
- Icing Cakes.
- Making Dinner.
- Eating Dinner.
- Diving Watching. For 3 hours. (Whilst eating cake and drinking hot chocolate)
Oh, and quacking to songs and singing The Circle Of Life.
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Its a me! Mario.
Well a no it isnta its a me Amy but still. Hope you arnt too disappointed.
Right todays blog is going to be about camp songs...more importantly teaching you the words to "there was a crazy moose" If you want to sing along well I suggest you youtube it and I'm sure you will find it and probably some random person acting it out but still, here goes.
(audience repeats after leader)
There was a crazy moose (there was a crazy moose)
Who liked to drink a lot of juice (who liked to drink a lot of juice)
There was a crazy moose (there was a crazy moose)
Who liked to drink a lot of juice (who liked to drink a lot of juice)
Sing way-oh, way oh (sing way-oh, way-oh)
Way-oh, way-oh, way-oh way-oh (way-oh, way-oh, way-oh, way-oh)
Way oh, way oh (way oh, way oh)
Way-oh, way-oh, way-oh, way-oh (way-oh, way-oh, way-oh way-oh)
The moose's name was Fred.
He liked to drink his juice in bed.
He drank his juice with care,
But he spilled some in his hair.
All his hair went stiff.
So he combed it in a quiff.
His friends began to laugh.
So he had to take a bath.
As the water went down,
Fred the moose began to drown.
Now let's all count to five.
Fred the moose is back alive.
Admittedly I just copied and pasted that off google...i know the words just cba to write it all out. Apart from I had to change some of it because their version was slightly wrong (by my standards anyway)
Ovwa (i seriously dont have a clue how you spell it) Amy :) x
Right todays blog is going to be about camp songs...more importantly teaching you the words to "there was a crazy moose" If you want to sing along well I suggest you youtube it and I'm sure you will find it and probably some random person acting it out but still, here goes.
(audience repeats after leader)
There was a crazy moose (there was a crazy moose)
Who liked to drink a lot of juice (who liked to drink a lot of juice)
There was a crazy moose (there was a crazy moose)
Who liked to drink a lot of juice (who liked to drink a lot of juice)
Sing way-oh, way oh (sing way-oh, way-oh)
Way-oh, way-oh, way-oh way-oh (way-oh, way-oh, way-oh, way-oh)
Way oh, way oh (way oh, way oh)
Way-oh, way-oh, way-oh, way-oh (way-oh, way-oh, way-oh way-oh)
The moose's name was Fred.
He liked to drink his juice in bed.
He drank his juice with care,
But he spilled some in his hair.
All his hair went stiff.
So he combed it in a quiff.
His friends began to laugh.
So he had to take a bath.
As the water went down,
Fred the moose began to drown.
Now let's all count to five.
Fred the moose is back alive.
Admittedly I just copied and pasted that off google...i know the words just cba to write it all out. Apart from I had to change some of it because their version was slightly wrong (by my standards anyway)
Ovwa (i seriously dont have a clue how you spell it) Amy :) x
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Word Up
“Wow, you
really do have a lot of them” I muttered. Tom laughed from behind me.
“I do, don’t
I?” He said. I turned around and he was smiling softly at me.
“Tom” I
gorgeous?” Tom asked.
“Do you love
me?” I whispered.
“Yes, why do
you ask?” Tom asked.
“Because you
didn’t love Sam and you are acting differently in our relationship then you did
in your relationship with her” I shrugged.
“Well I have
loved you for ages Treasure, baby. You’ve been my best friend for years so
there has always been that love but I do well and truly love you” Tom grinned.
I smiled before climbing onto his bed next to him and snuggling close. Tom
placed his arm around me and pulled me close. “I love you, Tom. In every way,
shape and form possible. I love you, Thomas Michael Fletcher” I whispered.
An hour and
a half later and Danny was driving us both to the airport. We weren’t going to
tell him about us and so Tom was sat in front and I was sat in the back, being
silent. “How are you doing Tee?” Danny asked.
“I’m alright
thank you Dan, you?” I asked.
alright, not up to much so am a bit bored really” Danny laughed.
“Well it
won’t be long till you are all back together mate” I said.
“Yeah, I
know. I’m looking forward to the tour next year, all of us back together and
doing what we do best”
“I must come
along to a couple shows this time; I didn’t come along to any last tour”
Did you really not come to any show?” Tom turned around and asked.
“Nah, I was
in Spain for the first week and then working like hell for the last week and a
bit. I was going to come along to the London show as you had a spare ticket,
but I didn’t” I replied.
“Oh well
you’ll definitely have to come along for a few dates on this tour” Tom winked
before turning back around. “I’d love to” I grinned.
Not long
after and Danny had dropped us off at the airport. I was nervous; I had only
been on a plan a couple times before but only for short distances and I wasn’t
a massive fan of them. “You’ll be alright, Treasure honey” Tom smiled as he
took hold of my hand. I looked up at him and smiled.
“I know. I
have you” I smiled as we walked over to the check in desk.
“Sure?” Tom
asked. I nodded. He smiled before looking ahead of him at his TV screen. He
turned it on and grinned. “Instructions on the seat” He said.
“Why do we need instructions on the seat?” I laughed
2 hours
later and Tom and I were sat in our first class seats next to each other. “Just
take deep breaths sweetheart” Tom smiled, stroking my hand.
“I’m fine” I
Word Count: 16,285
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
I appologize for the weirdness that went on during the tumblr question blog posts; the weird highlightedness and stuff and yeaaaah...
Anyway; I don't really have much to say today. I've spent the evening watching AmazingPhil and DanIsNotOnFire...because yano. I've known about them for ages but I haven't watched them before...until Saturday. Where I became obsessed. Rawr.
Anyway; I don't really have much to say today. I've spent the evening watching AmazingPhil and DanIsNotOnFire...because yano. I've known about them for ages but I haven't watched them before...until Saturday. Where I became obsessed. Rawr.
Monday, 6 August 2012
More Questions From Tumblrr
1. What is your best friends name? I
have two best friends. Their names are Amy and Kat
2. What color underwear/boxers wearing now? Pink
3. What are you listening to right now? Someone talking on Come Dine With Me
4. Whats your favorite number? I
have two, 21 and 19
5. What was the last thing you ate? I'm currently eating frozen it tastes rather nice and I can't be bothered to wait 2 1/2 hours for it to defrost and turn mushy...
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Fushia or Cyan; simple yet unique.
7. How is the weather right now? Dry? Probably cold, I don't know, I haven't been outside...
8. Who was the last person you talked 2 on the phone? My nan
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Their hair :/
10. Do you have a significant other? Nope
11. Favorite TV show? Friends or
Big Bang Theory
12. Siblings? A older brother
13. Height? 5ft exactly
14. Hair color? Ginger
15. Eye Color? Bluey-greeny-grey
16. Do you wear contacts? Nope,
17. Favorite Holiday? Christmas
18. Month? April or November
19. Have you ever cried for no reason? Yes
20. What was the last movie you watched? Easy A
21. Favorite Day of the Year? The
last day of school/college. Just because you never do anything and just chat
and say bye and stuff
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out? I’ve kind of done it before...but not really, as I was too
yeah :/
23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)? Nope
24. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs
25. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
26. Do you want your friends to respond to this? I’m doing this on my blog; I don’t really care
27. Who is most likely to respond to a text from you? Sheena
28. Who is least likely to respond to a text from you? My mum
29. What books are you reading? Forgotten
by Susan Lewis
30. Piercings? Two in each ear
31. Favorite movies? Easy A, Just
My Luck, 17 Again, Confessions Of A Shopaholic, How To Loose A Guy In 10 Days,
Toy Story 3, Hachi: A Dogs Tale, Camp Rock 1 & 2, Charlie St Cloud, Finding
Nemo, Monsters Inc...I’ll stop now
32. Favorite football Team? LOL
33. What are you doing right now? Answering these questions for my blog and watching Come dine With Me
34. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? I prefer toffee :/
37. Dogs or cats? Cats
38. Favorite flower? Lilly
39. Been caught doing something you weren’t supposed to do? Nope
40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex? Nope
41. Have you ever loved someone? Nope,
not proper love love.
42. Who would you like to see right now? Tom, Kat, Katy...
43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten? Playschool, yes.
44. Have you ever fired a gun? Nope
45. Do you like to travel by plane? I’ve
never experienced it
46. Right-handed or Left-handed? Rightie
47. How many pillows do you sleep with? One
48. Are you missing someone? Yes
49. Do you have a tattoo? Not yet
50. Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? Probably
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Herrow *waves*
I haven't really sat down and properly blogged in a while, have I? No...well let's update you on one part of my life. I have a little baby cousin! She was born last Monday and her name is Sophie and I went and met her today and she is so small and adorable and cute. I adore her! I only have on other cousin and he is older and I've only met him a few times and don't speak to I am really excited about having Sophie as my little cousin. I get along with little kids really well and they always seem to love me which is great :D A downside is the fact that they live in Bristol. But if I end up going to Bristol Uni then I will see much more of her (and my aunt which we be fab too!)
So yeah, a little update :)
So yeah, a little update :)
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Kat Says: School!
As in memories and things, she added.
Which was good as otherwise I would have pretty much just written 'school sucked but lunch times were fun and also lessons with Amy were good which ended up being a lot of lessons in year 10 and 11.
I won't talk much about infants and juniors as I can't really remember much from them but I will say a few things. Out of our school friend group, I was the only original. Meaning I was the only one who had been through the same three schools in the same area. Everyone else joined at some point or another. Amy did go to the same nursery as me, but then left. She then came back in year 4. Robyn and Olivia both started in year 5. Rhia did too, I believe (or maybe she started in year idea, sorry!) Rachel I have no idea about again, sorry. Oh, Chloe was an original but she wasn't really a member of our 'group' until near the end of year 11. (LOVE YOU CHLOE) And then the others came in year 7 (well they did to me) but we never really hung around with them until year 11.
Anyway, my secondary school experience wasn't too bad. Year 7, 8 and 9 were a bit suckish at times but the last two years were pretty much pure awesome all the way through. I was in top set English and Maths and was doing Triple Science (HOW!? For all three that is...) with Amy, and Robyn was with us in Maths and Science which was always a laugh. I was with the both in PE (Which I only did around 7 times throughout both years....awesome, I know ;) ) and I was with Amy in art too.
Oh I liked year 8 because Amy and I became closer that year which was awesome.
Photography was fun in year 10 and 11, it was fucking brilliant, actually. There are so many awesome times that occurred within those two years; mainly between Liv and I, and sometimes Tom, Sophie and Alice. But literally, I laughed so much in those lessons.
Maths sucked in year 10 as we had a crappy teacher but year 11 was brilliant. Amy and I really liked two of the maths teachers as they were lovely and crazy and we always gave them a handmade 'thank you' card at the end of each school year. And tonnes of other cards. For example, one of the teachers was going on maternity leave and so we wrote her a 'we'll miss you' card...and then made her an early christmas/easter/birthday/whatever else was in it card...which was amusing. We were mental.
There are too many memories too talk about though D: I don't know where to start, which is annoying.
But Amy is coming round next Thursday for around a week so we'll sit down one day and write down a tonne of things and I'll post it, yars? Okay, good.
Which was good as otherwise I would have pretty much just written 'school sucked but lunch times were fun and also lessons with Amy were good which ended up being a lot of lessons in year 10 and 11.
I won't talk much about infants and juniors as I can't really remember much from them but I will say a few things. Out of our school friend group, I was the only original. Meaning I was the only one who had been through the same three schools in the same area. Everyone else joined at some point or another. Amy did go to the same nursery as me, but then left. She then came back in year 4. Robyn and Olivia both started in year 5. Rhia did too, I believe (or maybe she started in year idea, sorry!) Rachel I have no idea about again, sorry. Oh, Chloe was an original but she wasn't really a member of our 'group' until near the end of year 11. (LOVE YOU CHLOE) And then the others came in year 7 (well they did to me) but we never really hung around with them until year 11.
Anyway, my secondary school experience wasn't too bad. Year 7, 8 and 9 were a bit suckish at times but the last two years were pretty much pure awesome all the way through. I was in top set English and Maths and was doing Triple Science (HOW!? For all three that is...) with Amy, and Robyn was with us in Maths and Science which was always a laugh. I was with the both in PE (Which I only did around 7 times throughout both years....awesome, I know ;) ) and I was with Amy in art too.
Oh I liked year 8 because Amy and I became closer that year which was awesome.
Photography was fun in year 10 and 11, it was fucking brilliant, actually. There are so many awesome times that occurred within those two years; mainly between Liv and I, and sometimes Tom, Sophie and Alice. But literally, I laughed so much in those lessons.
Maths sucked in year 10 as we had a crappy teacher but year 11 was brilliant. Amy and I really liked two of the maths teachers as they were lovely and crazy and we always gave them a handmade 'thank you' card at the end of each school year. And tonnes of other cards. For example, one of the teachers was going on maternity leave and so we wrote her a 'we'll miss you' card...and then made her an early christmas/easter/birthday/whatever else was in it card...which was amusing. We were mental.
There are too many memories too talk about though D: I don't know where to start, which is annoying.
But Amy is coming round next Thursday for around a week so we'll sit down one day and write down a tonne of things and I'll post it, yars? Okay, good.
Friday, 3 August 2012
Random Tumblr Questions
I think I actually have the rest of a question thing to answer from a week or two ago...but tough, I'm doing this which I just found. There are 69 questions. And am I answering all of them. Booyaka.
- 1: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? Yes
- 2: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused? Single
- 3: What if I told you that you were pretty? Depends who told me this :')
- 4: Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”? Nope
- 5: Are you interested in anyone right now? Nope
- 6: What are you looking forward to in the next week? Amy coming overr
- 7: Do you want to be single? I don't mind being single...
- 8: Did you go out or stay in last night? Stay in
- 9: How late did you stay up last night? Half 11
- 10: Can you recall the last time you realized you liked someone a lot? Halfway through year 11, so around a year and a half ago
- 11: Last three things you had to drink? Cream Soda, Cream Soda and Apple, Raspberry and Pomegranate squash :')
- 12: Have you pretended to like someone? No
- 13: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it? I think so
- 14: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months? Not that I recall...
- 15: Is it hard for you to get over someone? Yes :/
- 16: Think back five months ago, were you single? Yup
- 17: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon? Eating lunch :')
- 18: Hold hands with anyone this week? Not that I can recall
- 19: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? Probably, I don't know
- 20: What would you name your future daughter? I have a load of names :/ Skylar, Amylia, Shiloh, Sapphire, Savannah, Saskia (I like S's....)
- 21: Do you miss anyone? Yeah :/
- 22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night? Nope
- 23: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed? Nope
- 24: Are you good at hiding your feelings? Nope
- 25: Have you ever cried from being so mad? Yeah
- 26: Who did you last see in person? My mum
- 27: Are you listening to music right now? Yes!
- 28: What is something you currently want right now? Some strawberries
- 29: What is the last thing you said out lot? 'No it's fine'
- 30: How is your heart lately? Beating?
- 31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie? Yes
- 32: Are you wearing socks? Nope
- 33: What do people call you? Laura, Betty, Lolli, Lolster...
- 34: Will you talk to the person you like tonight? Nope as I don't like anyone atm :')
- 35: Are there any stressful situations in your life? Yeah
- 36: Who did you last share a bed with? Dudley ;)
- 37: Did you do something bad today? No
- 38: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you? Wednesday :')
- 39: Do you get stressed out easily? Yeah :/
- 40: Will you sing today? Most likely
- 41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t? All the time!
- 42: Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone? My mum or Kat usually...
- 43: Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? Nope
- 44: What are you listening to right now? Indigo by Tom Milsom
- 45: What is wrong with you right now? Nothing really :')
- 46: What is on your wrists right now? A plaited 'friendship bracelet' type thing that I made ages ago
- 47: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wearing? McFly's UCATTIP concert that I went to in Portsmouth
- 48: What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider? Hot Chocolate...but that's because I haven't had the other
- 49: Do you make wishes at 11:11? If I realise that it's 11:11 then I sometimes do, otherwise no
- 50: Are you a good artist? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
- 51: Love really is a beautiful thing huh? I don't know *shrugs*
- 52: Do you miss the way things were six months ago? No
- 53: Ever been on a golf cart? Nope
- 54: Do you have trust issues? I think I do
- 55: Ever stayed up all night on the phone, with who? Nope
- 56: Do you own something from Hot Topic? Nope
- 57: Do you use chap stick? Yes
- 58: Have you ever slapped someone in the face? Yes
- 59: Do you have a little sister? Nope
- 60: Have you ever been to New York? Unfortunately nope :(
- 61: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it? Yes
- 62: Have you hugged someone within the last week? Yes
- 63: What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping
- 64: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? Nope...
- 65: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? Yes
- 66: Were your last three kisses from the same person? Nope...
- 67: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days? Nope...
- 68: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? Alone, seeing as I sleep in the middle of my bed stretched out like a starfish...
- 69: Will next Friday be a good one? Hopefully!
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