Saturday, 21 July 2012

Kat Says: Zoo

And the reason she said this is because she wants me to talk about Barry. And you will hear about him in a bit.

Firstly, I am not a massive fan of zoos. For many reasons including: a lot of the time the cages are far too small, their are far too many animals in said small cages and because most of the animals are asleep when you want to see them.

I don't mind the whole fact that the animals belong in the wild and are in zoos. They are probably, in some way, having a better life then in the wild. They won't get hunted, for a start.

I've only been to 3 different Zoo's, I believe. And a couple monkey sanctuaries. The Zoo I've been to the most is Marwell which is my favourite. No specific reason why, it just is.

Last year I went to London Zoo for the first time with Amy. It was a bit surreal at first; you forget that you are in the middle of London. But I wasn't fully keen on the zoo as I thought their cages/enclosures were quite small and rather overgrown which pissed me off.

Shit, 4 minutes to finish this on my ipod.

Okay I bought Barry the Penguin from London Zoo. He is a rockhopper penguin and is adorable. He didn't' have a name for ages but then I came up with Barry.

Barry came with me to meet Kat the first time; when we went to see The Chuckle Brothers. He even raved to most of the songs.


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