Firstly, go and watch Dan's latest video.
Now it was only a couple days ago that I was asked on Formspring what the Meaning of Life was and I came to the conclusion that it was to be happy. And Dan had just made this clear to me. He's put my thoughts into words. And I wish that everyone I knew would think like this. A lot of people I know tell me to get out of the house and 'get a life'. I have one and I am living the only life I am going to get and if I chose to spend most of this one and only life I have on Tumblr, Twitter and YouTube, stalking celebrities and annoying them until they want to kill me, then that's my choice. It's only this section of my life. I'm going to uni next year to do something that I want to do. I think I figured out earlier this year that we only get one life and I need to live it how I wish and to do what makes me happy, and this is why/how I figured out that I wanted to be a teacher and not a photographer. Dan didn't want to do Law at uni, did he. He felt 'pressured' almost into it, almost as if he wouldn't get anywhere in life without a degree and despite wanting to do acting and stuff, he decided to do law which was too much for him. You don't need to go to uni to do well in life. As long as YOU, yes YOU, are happy, then nothing is wrong. And at this moment in time, I am happy with my life and so I am not going to change anything.
The video did confuse me before making me realise that basically he had just explained what I have been thinking over these past few months. If I go to uni and am not happy doing it, I'm not going to stay. I sort of think I made the wrong decision by sticking on and doing the 2nd year of my course, I should have gone and done a childcare course or something, but I wasn't pressured into doing it. It was my choice and I understand that.
This has been rather heart-felt for a change.
Actually, a few of my blog posts recently have been rather 'personal' as such and I have put quite a bit into them. How strange, maybe I am just going through a very thoughtful time at the moment.
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