Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Names of the Kid variety

Actually, not just kids. Kids and pets.

I was randomly talking to Amy on twitter about kid names because of reasons and I realised that I have never blogged about this (well, not that I remember...)

I've wanted a husky since around year 5. Some of my friends have known me always wanting a husky which is amusing. I have a definite name for a girl husky; Scianna. But I want a boy husky. And I'm not so sure on the name, but I've always kinda liked the name Freddy. But who knows.

I've also got the full name for a possible future daughter which is Skylar Amylia. I also love the name, yeah. I like 'unusual' girls names beginning with S if you couldn't tell...

But I don't have any ideas for boys. No wait, actually that's a lie. I had a phase where I was adamant that I was going to call a daughter Rebekah and a son Alex. But nah, not any more. I like usual. But I really like the names Aaron and Ryan. So yeah...I also like the name Riley. But for a girl...and Felix. But again, I prefer it for a girl even though it is a boys name...I wouldn't name her Felix, I would name her Felicity but call her Felix...

This is what you get from writing so much fanfiction. You have the guys names and then Google search 'unusual girls names' or 'uncommon girls names' -.-

Oh dear!

I'm going to leave you with this but please, watch at your own risk:

Ps: Dan's voice is beautiful, right? And Phil is just an adorable ill gnome and I just want to huggle him <3

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