Sunday, 19 February 2012


Almost forgot to blog today. Put my iPod on charge and went and laid in my bed. And then I remembered. So I am currently sat on the beanbag I own but never use and typing this :)

I did think of something to talk about but I have forgotten so I am going to mention that my hair is now bright red and I love it and am happy with it which makes me happy. I feel happier.

Oh I remember what I was going to talk about. Twitter. I used o be a Twitter addict and use it all the time I was on my computer but then I got Tweetdeck and slowly veered away from Tweeting people randomly and I tended to only reply to people if they Tweeted me or if I wanted to ask someone something. But then today I was on Twitter on my iPod ad I ended up spending a good hour or so on my Twitter 'homepage' and replying to people who tweeted something in general or just retweeting people. And I really enjoyed it. I started up a couple conversations with people who I have talked to before, but I haven't in ages which was nice. It wasted some time to, but it was fun and I am going to do it more often. Not everyday like I uses to as I have a (vague) life now and I don't want to really annoy people. I will leave my spamming from Formspring to annoy people on Twitter. ;P


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