Books. Books, books, books. I love books. I love reading books; they take you away from your life and let you into others lives.Just a lot of those times the lives that you are being let into aren't real.
I have a loooong list of books that I want. Last year I split this list and gave half of it to my mum so that she could got to carboot sales and charity shops and get me some for Christmas. I ended up with another 52 books for Christmas. The problem with having so many books however is that I never know what to read next...
I am currently reading Playing Away by Adele Parks. She is one of my favourite authors, along with Sophie Kinsella, Jodi Picoult, Jill Mansell, Alexandra Potter, Catherine Alliott and John Green.
A lot of the books I read are similar. Single girl, meets guy, falls in love, spends ages getting the guy, they live happily ever after. Some of Adele's books are like this, however not all. Jodi Picoult's books are completely different. Her books have a different set theme almost, which irritates me yet I somehow can never put her books down. Both Jill and Catherine's books I haven't read enough on to comment really, but the ones I have read have all been great. Alexandra's books are fantastic. Nothing more to say.
The ending of books seem to annoy me. I have only read a small number of books that endings I can honestly say that I enjoyed. During the book I figure out my perfect ending, and more times than not, I am wrong.
Sophie Kinsella is a genius. Her actual name is Madeline Wickham and she has published books under both names. I have only read one book under Madeline Wickham and I wasn't so sure on it. But her books under Sophie Kinsella are fantastic. She has written a series about a Shopaholic. All the tittles include the work Shopaholic. I have read the series over 3 times, I really, really love it. It is so funny. I have read a few of her other books under Sophie Kinsella and they are just as good.Well, that is apart from Wedding Girl. Which is great, but the grammar and punctuation in my copy is terrible. I don't expect all copies to be like this, it was probably just a print-run that was a bit weird. It's almost as if I have the copy that she had sent to her publishers.
Now I am going to talk about John Green. I have only yet read one of his books, his latest called The Fault In Our Stars. I will talk about this book properly in another books but it is one of my favourite books ever. I thought that I would be biased, because I like his videos and being a Nerdfighter and all that but I can honestly say that it is a hell of a read. And it's not your classic chic-lit.
So yeah I think I have said enough :)
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