The time has come.
You are about to see a side to Laura that you haven't seen in a while.
Or maybe ever.
A side to Laura that involves McFly.
And thinking.
Right let's get started.
So I got Unsaid Things yesterday (which if you didn't know is McFly's autobiography) and obviously, being the crazy McFly nuthead that I am, I had to get it and start reading it there and then. And they said 'If you thought you knew McFly...think again!'. And I honestly can say that I didn't know McFly.
I was expecting most of the book to be full of tourbus tales and randomness from their lives but it wasn't. Which at first I was disappointed in but I now realise that what they did write was perfect. It made McFly fans understand a bit more; it made people realise that although things often seem perfect on the outside, they aren't always on the inside. That things do go wrong. That they are humans, just like everyone else, who have emotions and feelings and don't deserve the crap that they have been given over time.
Last night I came to 'Dougie's Secret' chapter and I won't lie, I cried. A lot. I cried so much that I couldn't actually finish the last 50 pages of the book due to my head not being in the right place. I just couldn't come to grips what Dougie was going through, and for so long, and that not only did us fans or the press or anyone not know anything about it, but Danny and Tom didn't know anything either. That he didn't feel as though his best friends would understand what he was going through. That he felt like ending his life could be the answer to everything. I just wanted to go back in time, wrap him in cotton wool and tell him that everything would be okay. That everything would turn out okay in the end. The same came to when I read about Tom and his depression. I was so shocked. How could he put on such a brave face for the press and us fans and yet be dying inside. I understand that it comes with the job, you can't go and tell the fans that you are depressed and how you really feel. But it made me sad.
I want others to read this. It's not all like 'Omigod we're McFly. We're the best band in the woooorld. Come listen to our music. Come read about our amazing lives. Come to our gigs'. It's about their lives, the ups but more importantly the downs. Their relationship with each other and their management, with their girlfriends and their music. The way that they didn't like the last album that they produced. The way that one of them nearly killed himself. I want others to respect the lads as much as I do.
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