Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Laura says "Gravy and Pizza"

Yeh like thats normal.

First of all I apologise for what you are about to read as this was Laura's idea and not mine. I said "what shall I write about today?" and she replies with "Gravy and Pizza" you do.

Right so here goes...

My favourite pizza is probably Hawaiian, you know, the one with ham and pineapple. It is so yummy. But I'm also quite partial to margaritta and pepperoni.

I'm just going to say one thing here that I have just noticed and it is annoying me immensly. This thing does not have spellcheck and you have to put in all the punctuation in yourself :O I am rubbish at typing and I have never really been a huge fan of english.

Anyway, getting away from the point!

Now gravy, I dont really have any strong opinions about gravy, apart from the fact it is a must with things like meat and potatoes. I hate having meat "dry". I espicially like vegetable stock cube gravy, but beef flavoured is good with sausage and mash!

This is making me very I'm going to go to bed now.

Night night x

Amy :)

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