Tuesday, 2 October 2012


I've really enjoyed blogging every day this year. And although I still have just under three months to go, I just wanted to mention this. And despite the whole plan of what was going to happen each day has completely gone down the drain, it's been fun. Despite the days when I have absolutely no ideas what to write about. Which hasn't actually happened in quite a long time, surprisingly. Even more surprisingly with the few Tumblr things I've done. But that's literally because I spend so much time on Tumblr and I come across them and know that no one will ask me them and I love filling out questionaires and such because I'm such a WEIRDO!

I know that some days I forgot to blog so I double blogged the following day which turned out stupid half the time. And then there was the week after my operation when I had no internet and then I just couldn't be bothered to catch up.

I do think that after this year I will blog more. Which was one of my aims in doing this. Not to end up blogging every day because as fun as this has been, hardly anyone reads these and half of these when I look back in years to come, I will be like 'WTF. What was the point in that? Oh yeah, because I was blogging each day and had nothing else to say...' which I don't want to happen. I don't want it to be an annoying thing which turns into a habit. It will be weird in the New Year not blogging every day, but it will also be nice. I hope to blog once or twice a week, just to keep the people who rarely do read this up to date with my life and to also just express my feelings. I am awful at keeping diaries but this is basically one. I just don't write about my day to day life as every day is pretty much exactly the same and to me, it doesn't matter. If I have an exciting day, then I talk about it. I just don't have many of them.

This is turning into another heartfelt type thing. There has been far too many of them recently so I had best go before I start talking about life and the wonderful world we live in.

I think someones slipped some happy pills into my cherryade.


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