Sunday, 11 November 2012


I don't know whether it's OCD or just weird behaviour but these are just the things I can currently think of:

  • Volume on the TV has to be on an even number or multiple of 5.
  • When eating kitkats, I have to fold up the packaging (I think this is more of a current habit because I don't do it to any other chocolates. Mind you, I have to flatten crisp packets or it bugs me...)
  • When actually eating kitkats, I have to eat the chocolate off of the side and ends before munching on the whole thing.
  • The towel in the bathroom on the towel rail has to be folded in half exactly and in the middle.
  • The towels on the banister have to be folded in half exactly.
  • Toilet roll must run down a certain way or I go weird.
  • The twisting thing on trains that keep the tray thing up have to be pointing down or I get anxious.
  • If I spot something which is wrong (upside down or in the wrong place) before I go to bed then it will be on my mind and I won't be able to sleep until I change it.
  • When I make drinks, if the glass has a line/pattern on it then it can't go over the line/pattern.
  • When I make a hot drink then it's the same pretty much.
  • When I put my books into colour coded order, I then had to put all the little ornament things with the correct colours...

There are probably quite a few more...but I'm tired and my brain hurts to think so yarsh.
An actual thought about, vaguely interesting blog post :O Shocker!


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