Saturday, 3 November 2012


I ship two apparent heterosexual guys together. Yes. I say apparent because who knows. They could be lying, hiding that part to the world. You can't go around saying 'PHAN IS REAL!1!!' and all that because you don't know. But on that note, you can't go around telling people that they shouldn't ship those two straight guys together because again, you don't know. Phan could be real. Anything could be real. Dan could have been born a woman, he makes a pretty darn good one in his videos, you don't know. They don't share all of their lives on the internet. No YouTuber does. There are always parts of their lives that remain private which too darn right it should do. I hate people who go 'tell us this. you decide to share you life with the internet, share all your life' erm no. Don't.

God this has gotten deep.

Anyway, if I choose to ship two heterosexual guys together then let me be. I don't stuff it down your throat, telling you that you should to and I never would do that. Have your own opinions. Mine are that Phan most likely isn't real. But that doesn't stop me wishing it was.


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