Thursday, 4 August 2011

Meeting My Fizzy Apple Smelling French Hubby.

Cba to write about the journey up to London. So I'll start from London
I felt sick due to nerves but went through an entired pack of sour skittles which my mum had given me which was a HUGE mistake :’)
Got to London, got the tube, got off and walked in the wrong direction.
So figured it out, turned around and walked to the hotel.
But it was fucking hot so I felt ill and looked horrible but anyways.
Arrived at the hotel and went in with my mum and nan and then got my wristband and waited with them for a while before going into the room where everyone else was. Stood around like a loner for a while but then started talking to a few people :)
McFly as usual were running late and at 12:10 people came out from the one before us so we made our way out of the room. Tom had left the room and people had also screamed, so I was waiting for him. He came back and I literally screamed. I have no idea why :’)
But then we were allowed in and no one was there. Then the ‘organiser’ spoke and then ¾ of McFly walked in. We were wondering who to go see first when Danny walked in so we went to him as less people were there. I was in a state of shock so forgot to ask him if he liked strawberry laces but he was lovely and smelt nice :’) He signed my hoody before we had our photo taken.
Then me and this one girl went to see Tom, whilst the other 2 went off to see Dougie. I was nearly crying by now and my friend was like ‘oh please don’t cry!’…I was trying not to. Tom was turned away from me and I was stood right behind him and I kept pulling funny faces at his back…then he turned around and laughed. I asked him if he liked strawberry laces and he said yes, so I handed him the sweets. Then I gave him the presents for the cats and he went ‘aww, looks like Marv’ to the cat on the front. People around laughed. Then I asked him to sign my hoody and he did. Then I asked if I could have a photo so I stood next to him and he placed his arm around me and I lost it. I burst out crying and he asked if I was okay and I shook my head so he gave me a proper full hug which made me cry again so he hugged me more. I then stepped back and he asked if I was okay. I shook my head whilst walking away.
I then calmed down a bit and went and saw Harry. I kind of pushed in front of a lot of people and asked if he liked strawberry laces. He did. He then signed my top and I had my photo taken with him.
Then I went to see Dougie, and kind of pushed in front of a load of people again :’) I asked him if he liked strawberry laces and he looked at me weirdly so I held the packet out and he grinned before saying yes, he did, so I gave them to him. Then he signed my hoody and I had my photo taken with him.
Then I realised I hadn’t given Tom his drawing from a friend of mine, and hadn’t given Danny his strawberry laces. So I went to Tom first. Waited a few minutes and then he looked at me and I went ‘I’m back’ and he grinned and was like ‘you calmed down’. I replied with ‘Not really. I forgot to give you this’ and he took it and looked at it, saying that it was awesome. He laughed at her drawing of the guys as pirates. I then got him to sign my iPod. Which is now my most prized possession. He then spoke to a couple people before I asked for another hug. He gave me a proper hug again and I burst out crying again. People around went ‘aww’ like last time and were asking if I was alright. Tom yet again asked if I was okay and I nodded and just stood back. He smiled at me and then I turned and walked to Danny. But now it was time to go so I just went ‘DANNY!’ and he turned and I lobbed them at him and went ‘enjoy’. He laughed.
I then went out, found my mum, and burst out crying again.
And that was me meeting McFly.

It was the most amazing day of my life and obviously my favourite part was when Tom pulled me into a hug because I was crying. I was crying because I couldn't believe he was there. Tom Fletcher, the guy who I've looked up to for the past 4ish years, was stood next to me with his arm around me. Oh jeebez.

Funniest thing I found was that me and my aunt had been talking a few days before and I told her that I would be fine around the other 3, but a total mess infront of Tom. And it was true.

Oh and my order has changed.
I have a few orders :/
My 'I've never met McFly' order is: Tom, Harry, Dougie, Danny. (Sorry!)
My 'Fittest' order is: Harry, Tom, Danny, Dougie (Sorry!)
My 'Nicest in Real Life' order is: Tom, Danny, Dougie, Harry. (Sorry!)

Tom was the nicest, he didn't get scared when I cried at him :') <3
Danny was so lovely and funny :') <3
Dougie was a laugh and just incredibly adorable <3
Harry was nice. But he just seemed a bit arragont :/ I don't know... :/

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