I really need a life. I've spent the past half hour on Google Maps trying to find out where Tom lives...I know it's in Northwood...and acording to Google it could be on 'Duck Hills Road' :')
Oh I seriously need to do something with my life an not spend my time on Google maps, stalking people.
Ooo...and easier way to find where he lives is by looking out for the electric blue mini...
It's not the first time I've done this :')
I've tried stalking Charlie and Alex...
But all I know about them is that they live in Bow.
And Bow is quite large...
Oh well!
Edit: Just done a bit more research. Charlie lives in 'Tower Hamlets' which I believe is a block of flats in Bow :') oh dear oh dear oh dear!
Edit: Okay it's not actually a block of flats...I have no idea what it is...but still, closer to finding out where he lives ;P According to Wiki it's a London Borough which covers 'much of the traditional East End' :') I have no idea, I'm no closer to anything but this is fun now :')
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