Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Naming Things

Okay so I've got names for all my teddies and electrical/important/weird things...and I always forget them so rename I've decided I'm going to keep track on here of there names!

This is my 'Big Camera' as I usually refer to it as. But it's name is Roo.

This is the tiger I (my mum) made. Well we got all the stuff in a pack and then stitched him together and stuffed him. See that's the thing. I called him Amy at first, after my best friend who loves tigers, but then I kept referring to him as a he's now called Tigs.

The one on the left is Barry. I got him at London Zoo this year. And the one on the right is the party penguin Chilly. She used to wear my red heart glasses too...but now she doesn't...

This is Biffa. I got him quite a few years ago from Clinton Cards. He was already named. A story involving Bifs (for short) is that I actually went to the pet shop with my mum to buy a dog lead so I could take him for walks.
This is my TV Stevie. Named after Joey from FRIENDS TV xD

My guitar doesn't have a name. So I will ask my friend for a name. It's a boy though. She says Nathan. This is my guitar Nathan.
This is my tripod which I've now named Kanga. So if I need my tripod and big camera I can say 'Ooo I need Kangaroo' :') 

This is Dudley. I've had him for 5/6 years and I love him a lot. He was already named, but I love his name xD I also call him Duds and Dudders :')
This is Sugarcube. He's a donkey and was already named. He is a Blue Nosed Friend teddy xD

This is Mo. She's a kangaroo and is also a Blue Nosed Friend teddy and so was already named :)

This is Legend. He's a Unicorn, also a Blue Nosed Friend teddy and was already named.

This is 'Toffee Cookie Caramel' which is his full name but I just call him one of the three...because I like all three and get confused half of the time :')

This is Scrappy. I named him Scrappy because he reminded me of Scooby Doo. But smaller. He doesn't any more...but I love him a lot, despite him only having one eye...I've had him for 9/10 years :)

This is my laptop. He is called Leon. And I've just realised nearly all of my 'things' are boys... :')

This is my 'small camera' as I refer to it as. He is called Cameron...because he is a Camera - and is usually on...haha I'm so funny :')

This is Saskia. My dad got her for Easter for me a few years back. We went to Sainsburys and he asked me what my brother would like. So I picked out an Easter Egg. He asked me what I wanted. So I picked out Saskia.
This is Candyfloss. She is a Bear Factory bunny rabbit :) She talks too - which is why she actually lives at the end of my bed, because I used to roll over during the night and lean on her 'paw' and it used to scare the crap out of me when she used to say 'your my best friend' or 'i love you' or something :') I got her  about 3 or 4 years ago...she tends to live in her pj's nowadays though...

This is Tommy. My mum got him for me for valentines day last year. It took me ages to name him. This is the only teddy which I have which had a name on it's tag but I renamed them. His name was Roly but I didn't seem sure on it so I thought and thought and thought and then realised his name should be Tom (so it seems as if Tom is saying that he loves me loads and loads...) but then I changed it to Tommy :')

The pink duck is Sally McDuck and the orange duck is Martin Duckington Jr. The reason he is Martin Duckington Jr is because my friend Emily had an orange duck called Martin Duckington and then she bought some more and gave me this one. Before than however, Emily made Martin Duckington a facebook account and I married him on it. So that's why this little guy is called Martin Duckington Jr. He's our son :') But! Me and Martin got a divorce and then he moved to Sweden, and Sally McDuck is his adoptive mother. You'll see why in a minute she is called Sally, and also McDuck due to McFly.
This is Harry McDuck. He is Martin Duckington Jr's adoptive dad (I think I should spend less time coming up with story lines involving rubber ducks...) Now do you get it? Harry and Sally? 'When Harry met Sally' :P <3
My iPod is called Tabitha. And it's a boy. Long story short, I (in my head) say peoples name as if they were the other gender. Like Laura, Laurence. Daniel, Danielle. Harry, Harriet. But I couldn't think of an obvious one for Tom. So I gave him Tabitha. :') And so yeah...
My phone doesn't have a name, I don't like it enough to name it...

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Results/Photography Slush

I haven't blogged in a while...oooooops!
But I am here now and that is all that matters!

Got my GCSE results today.
They are as follows:
Maths: B
Biology: B
Chemistry: B
Physics: C
Art: B
English Lit: B
Italian: E
OCR: Distinction

and I already have an A for English Language and a B for German.

Overall I am hip hop happy, I'm just not good at showing my emotions. I sound and look miserable but I'm not, I'm just pissed off with people who have done better than me saying that they have fucking failed.

I am soooo fucking happy with my photography result.

But now it's officially over.
I mean, apart from when I get my photography final piece, I will most likely never see Mr Ring again. He's been my Photography teacher for the past two years and has given me self confidence in my work, made me believe that I am actually too harsh on myself and that my work is infact good. Fuck that, amazing at times. He's also just a funny guy and an amazing photographer.

I'm also going to miss the whole photography lessons.
Everything about them. Liv, Sophie, Alice and dare I say it, even Tom?
So many fucking amazing memories from over the past 2 years from this subject and even though I'm taking photography in college, nothing is ever going to beat Photography at Bohunt...

Sunday, 14 August 2011


I have recently accumulated a rather large obsession with owls.
And I have no idea why.
In a way, I blame Kayley Hyde - owlssayhooot - but then on the other hand, it was me who fell in love with the owl cushion and then just went on amazon, and typed in 'owl'.

I am currently on Accessorize, favouriting everything to do with owls which I like (a hell of a lot of stuff...) into a folder in my favourites called 'THINGSIWANT' so yeah... :')



Book Review - A Crowded Marriage

A Crowded Marriage - Catherine Alliott

There are three people in Imogen Cameron's marriage - herself, her husband, Alex, and their son, Rufus - and that's the way she likes it. But that's all about to change...

When the Cameron's his dire financial straits they're forced to leave London and accept Elenor Latimer's offer of a rent-free cottage on her country estate. Ordinarily, a free home in the country is not to be sniffed at but, as Elenor is Alex's beautiful and flirtatious ex, Imogen is very sniffy indeed.

Any with good reasons. Once installed into Shephard's Cottage, Imogen's life is suddenly full to bursting with surly locals, psychotic chickens, a maddening (if handsome) headmaster, mountains of manure, visits from the infuriatingly bossy vet, and Elenor, who seems to be glued to Alex's side.

As far as Imogen's concerned, two's a marriage, three's a family and this...well, this is just silly, someone's got to go. The question is who?

First things first, I have been reading this book since my last book review. To be honest, since last Sunday I had probably picked it up no more than 5 times. It took a long while to get into it. I was bored yesterday so was forcing myself to read it and at page 200, I was expecting something exciting to have happened. But nothing major.

The book does take a loooong time to get into, well it did for me, but there are some really exciting parts in the book.

It is full of humour however. The Cameron's arive on the farm, in their cottage, and an agreement to them living there means that they have to feed and look after the chickens and cows. However Imogen is a bit slow with this and keeps wondering why the chickens are attacking her...

And her and her son Rufus name the animals. The cows are called Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Princess Consuela Banana Hammock. This amused me so much, being a huge Friends fan myself :')

Anyway, like I've mentioned enough the book took a while to get into. However, I've been reading it most of today and last night and it's been hard to put down. The end of the chapters (after around page 250...) all make you want to read on, make you want to find out what happens next. There are a lot of mini cliffhangers in the book which make you want more which is good.

There are three things which shocked me in the book. One involves Imogen's sister, one involves Eleanor Latimer and the other involving Alex. The one which involved Alex I am actually impressed to say that I figured out just before we got told. I don't know how actually, I just thought about everything and sort of figured it out in my mind.

I actually felt at home a lot of the time with Imogen and Rufus, felt part of the family. Alex was hardly there due to work and I was made - weirdly - to feel as though I was part of the family.

Apart from the slow beginning, the only other fault I have with this book is the ending. I can understand that endings are hard to write, you've got to close up everything in a couple of pages. But I think most endings of books could do with an 'epilogue' of their lives a few years later, just really bringing the book to a close. Because the ending of this book makes me want more, I want to find out about Alex's life (which would be hard to write about seeing as the book is writen from Imogen's POV...but it still could be done), to find out how her sister and parents are, to find about her own life and friends.

It's hard to do a book review without giving too much away. I used to be good at these but I haven't done one in what feels like ages. Sorry!

Anyway overall, a good book to read but you must have a bit of patience with the beginning. If you must, do what I did and read the last page. I usually do this with books I can't get into that well as it makes me want to find out how that last page did actually become, the last page.


Thursday, 11 August 2011

Another one of those things...

Cross what you have done/true.
I have/had piercings besides the ears.
I want piercings besides the ears.
I have many scars.
I tan easily.
I wish my hair was a different color.
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
I have/want a tattoo.
I can be self-conscious about my appearance.
I have/had/am getting braces.
I have more than two piercings.


Disney movies still make me cry.
I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried.
I’ve glued my hand to something.
I’ve laughed until some kind of beverage came out of my nose
I’ve had my pants rip in public.
I’ve touched something sharp/hot/etc to see if it would hurt.


I’ve gotten stitches.
I’ve broken or dislocated a bone.
I’ve had my tonsils removed.
I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed.
I’ve had chicken pox.


I’ve been to Florida.
I’ve driven/ridden over 200 kilometers in one day.
I’ve been on a plane.
I’ve been to Colombia
I’ve been to Cuba.
I’ve been to Niagara Falls.
I’ve been to Ottawa
I’ve been to the Caribbean.
I’ve been to Europe.

I’ve gotten lost in my city.
I’ve seen a shooting star.
I’ve wished on a shooting star.
I’ve seen a meteor shower.
I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas.
I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
I’ve slapped someone.
I’ve chugged something.
I’ve crashed a car.
I’ve been skiing.
I’ve been in a musical.
I’ve auditioned for something.
I’ve been on stage.
I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue.
I’ve sat on a rooftop at night.
I’ve pranked someone.
I’ve ridden in a taxi.

Honesty / Crime

I’ve been threatened to be arrested.
I’ve broken a law.
I’ve done something I promised someone I wouldn’t.
I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t.
I’ve sneaked out.
I’ve lied about my whereabouts.
I’ve cheated while playing a game.
I’ve been in a fist fight.
I’m afraid of dying.
I hate funerals.
I’ve seen someone/something die.
Someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide.
I have attempted suicide.
I’ve thought about suicide before.
I’ve written a eulogy for myself.


I own over 5 rap CD’s.
I’m obsessed with anime/manga.
I collected comic books.
I own a lot of makeup.
I own something from Pac Sun.
I own something from The Gap.
I own something I got on E-Bay.
I own something from Abercrombie.
I thrive on compliments.
I thrive on hate.

I can sing lowkey
I’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
I open up to others easily.
I watch the news occasionally or always.
I don’t like to kill bugs.
I sing in the shower.
I’m a morning person.
I’m a sports fanatic.
I care about grammar.
I love spam.
I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day.
I bake well.
My favorite colour is either white, yellow, pink ,blue, red, black, purple, or orange.
I would wear pajamas to school.
I like Martha Stewart.
I laugh at my own jokes.
I eat fast food weekly.
I’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
I can’t sleep if there’s a spider in the room.
I’m really ticklish.
I like white chocolate.
I bite my nails.
I’m good at remembering names.
I’m good at remembering dates.
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
..used ask if I was anorexic/bulimic.
..called me fat.
..say I’m skinny.
..have said I’m ugly.
..have said I’m pretty.
..have spread rumors about me.
..force me to eat.
..say I eat too much.
..say I eat too little.
I’ve lost weight.
I’ve gained weight.
I’m at my thinnest.
I’m at my biggest.
I’ve lost weight and kept it off.
I’ve lost weight, but gained it back.
My weight affects my mood. A lot.
I diet.
I’m vegan/vegetarian.
I exercise.
I’ve fainted from exhaustion.
I’ve sworn at my parents.
I’ve planned to run away from home before.
I’ve run away from home.
My biological parents are together.
I have a sibling less than one year old.
I want kids.
I’ve had kids.
I’ve lost a child.
I’m engaged.
I’m married.
I’m a swinger.
I’ve gone on a blind date.
I have/had a friend with benefits.
I miss someone right now.
I have a fear of abandonment.
I’ve gotten divorced.
I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back.
Someone has/had feelings for me when I didn’t have them back.
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
I’ve kept something from a past relationship.


I’m a cuddler.
I’ve been kissed in the rain.
I’ve hugged a stranger.
I’ve kissed a stranger.
Bad times
I regularly drink.
I can’t swallow pills
I can swallow numerous pills at a time without difficulty.
I’ve been diagnosed with depression at some point.
I have/had anxiety problems.
I shut others out when I’m upset.
I don’t have anyone to talk to when I’m upset.
I have taken/take anti-depressants.
I’ve slept an entire day before.
I’ve plotted revenge.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011


I really need a life. I've spent the past half hour on Google Maps trying to find out where Tom lives...I know it's in Northwood...and acording to Google it could be on 'Duck Hills Road' :')

Oh I seriously need to do something with my life an not spend my time on Google maps, stalking people.
Ooo...and easier way to find where he lives is by looking out for the electric blue mini...


It's not the first time I've done this :')
I've tried stalking Charlie and Alex...
But all I know about them is that they live in Bow.
And Bow is quite large...


Oh well!

Edit: Just done a bit more research. Charlie lives in 'Tower Hamlets' which I believe is a block of flats in Bow :') oh dear oh dear oh dear!
Edit: Okay it's not actually a block of flats...I have no idea what it is...but still, closer to finding out where he lives ;P According to Wiki it's a London Borough which covers 'much of the traditional East End' :') I have no idea, I'm no closer to anything but this is fun now :') 

Monday, 8 August 2011


Oh I went to the cinema two weeks ago.
Wow I didn't realise it was that long ago!
Any way I went and saw Cars 2 with my bestie on the 27th of last month.
It was pretty darn amazing to be honest.
I thought it was better than the 1st one due to the main character of the film being Mator, not Lighting McQueen, and I prefer Mator :')
One of my favourite parts of the film was actually when there was a race in Italy and they had The Pope as a car. In his car Pope-mobil :')
And they had The Queen as a car :')
Made me chuckle!

This Wednesday I'm going to see Mr Poppers Penguins with my mum.
Looking forward to it, looks good!
And then going to Pizza Express with her, J and Anna :)


More questions and answers!

  1. Your ex texted you and wanted you back. Would you take him/her back? Not from a text, no.
  2. Has anyone told you “forever and ever” then left? Yup...
  3. Your relationship status? Single.
  4. Where did you meet your crush(es)? I don't have any IRL crushes but I have quite a few celeb crushes...
  5. Have you ever lost a close friend? One walked away from me. Obviously weren't as close as I had thought.
  6. Do you smoke weed regularly? Nope and I never will do.
  7. Think back to the beginning of 2011. Are you still dating the same person? Yup. Mr Air.
  8. Would you parents be mad if you were in a relationship? Nope.
  9. When was the last time you really laughed? Earlier today with Amy and Robyn down at the REC.
  10. Something is wrong. First guy you turn too? Guy? Elliott.
  11. First girl you’d turn to? Kat probably.
  12. Is there anyone who doesn’t like you because of something you did? Yup, plenty of people proably.
  13. Angry at anyone? Yup.
  14. What’s stopping you from going for the person you like? The fact that he's 10 years older, famous and engaged.
  15. When was the last time you cried really hard? Last Wednesday.
  16. Is there anyone you would do anything for? Yeah, a lot of people.
  17. Who was the last person you talked to for more than 10 minutes on the phone? My aunt.
  18. What is your favorite song? She's So Lovely - Scouting For Girls.
  19. Do you like Red Bull? Never had it
  20. How many people can you tell just about everything to? Not many people to be honest.
  21. Have you ever wished on a shooting star? Nope.
  22. Does the last person you held hands with mean something to you? I can't remember the last person I held hands with...
  23. Describe yourself in one word. Annoying.
  24. Do you have anything that belongs to your ex? Nope.
  25. Can you honestly say you’ve had a sleepover with the opposite gender? Nope.
  26. Do you rebound? Nope.
  27. Ever cheated on someone? Nope.
  28. What would you do if you found out the person you like was in a relationship? Well techincally the person I do like is in a relationship. But he's older, famous and so I don't care.
  29. Do you act differently around the person you like? Usually yes.
  30. Honestly, what guy’s number do you have memorized? None.
  31. Is it hard to make you laugh? Not at all.
  32. Who was the last person to make you mad? A friend the other day.
  33. Do you think your last ex will eventually want to be with you again? Nope.
  34. Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms? Yes.
  35. Has anyone ever called you scrumptious before? No.
  36. Would you like to put a night on repeat and live it forever? Not a night, a day. Well, an hour to be precise.
  37. Do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out? Depends.
  38. Is your best friend a slut? Nope.
  39. Is hard drugs a turn off? Yes.
  40. Are you happy with life right now? Yes.
  41. Are you still in love with your ex? Nope.
  42. Are you still in love with your ex? ^^ Same question as above.
  43. Have you ever been the “other person” in a relationship? Nope.
  44. Have you ever had your heart broken? Nope.
  45. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Hopefully not.
  46. Is there anybody you’re really disappointed in? Yes.
  47. Where is your best friend? At her house.
  48. Something you’re happy about? The fact I met McFly.
  49. How is your heart lately? Happy.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Strawberry Laces

McFly (Dougie...and Danny) eating the strawberry laces which I got for them.
This makes me happy :')

Dear @tommcfly

I know that there is a highly unlikely chance that you will ever read this but hey, nothing is impossible, right? I never thought that I would ever get the chance to meet you or the other three. When I started liking you guys I never even thought about meeting you. I didn’t even think it was possible, to be honest. But then I kept seeing people online who had met you, whose photos now included you or Danny or Dougie or Harry. That’s when my dream changed. My dream was now to meet you. And then my dream came true last Wednesday.
I’ve seen you guys four times live and nothing can beat the amazing feeling I got from hearing you performing live. Well, that’s what I thought. Now the most amazing feeling I’ve ever felt was when you had your arm around me for a photo. And then I burst out crying. I do not know why I burst out crying – it was probably because I couldn’t believe what was going on – but then you pulled me in for a hug. This just proved how sweet and lovely you are, why I like you. I ended up crying more and you kept asking if I was okay. I wasn’t, but people were waiting to see you so I walked away.
I came back after a while, remembering that I had forgotten to give you stuff. “It’s me again” I said as you looked at me. “Have you calmed down yet?” You asked, smiling. You remembered me? I gave you the drawing from my friend which I had forgotten to give you and then got you to sign my iPod. You then gave me another hug and I burst out crying – yet again.
Now I would just like to apologize for crying on you. For the days leading up to the Meet and Greet and I couldn’t believe it was going to happen. I am usually quite an unlucky person so I kept telling myself that something was going to go wrong, something would happen at the last minute and I wouldn’t get to meet you. I told myself this just in case something did happen, then I would have been prepared. But doing that, I wasn’t really prepared for when I did meet you.
I didn’t cry in front of the others. Only you. I looked god damn awful that day but I don’t care. I met you and the other three. The guys who I have looked up to for the past few years. You probably thought I was about 11 or 12, that’s why you were asking if I was okay. I wasn’t. I’m 16, believe it or not.
Anyway, the reason I wrote this message was really just to thank you. Thank you and everyone who was involved in some way or another in putting on these Meet and Greets for everyone. Thank you for being so lovely in real life. Thank you for caring for your fans. Thank you. Just thank you, thank you, thank you! :)
Love from that really strange fan who gave you some strawberry laces and a toy for the cats and who cried and looked about 12,
PS you smelt like fizzy apples. Any reason for this? :’)

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Meeting My Fizzy Apple Smelling French Hubby.

Cba to write about the journey up to London. So I'll start from London
I felt sick due to nerves but went through an entired pack of sour skittles which my mum had given me which was a HUGE mistake :’)
Got to London, got the tube, got off and walked in the wrong direction.
So figured it out, turned around and walked to the hotel.
But it was fucking hot so I felt ill and looked horrible but anyways.
Arrived at the hotel and went in with my mum and nan and then got my wristband and waited with them for a while before going into the room where everyone else was. Stood around like a loner for a while but then started talking to a few people :)
McFly as usual were running late and at 12:10 people came out from the one before us so we made our way out of the room. Tom had left the room and people had also screamed, so I was waiting for him. He came back and I literally screamed. I have no idea why :’)
But then we were allowed in and no one was there. Then the ‘organiser’ spoke and then ¾ of McFly walked in. We were wondering who to go see first when Danny walked in so we went to him as less people were there. I was in a state of shock so forgot to ask him if he liked strawberry laces but he was lovely and smelt nice :’) He signed my hoody before we had our photo taken.
Then me and this one girl went to see Tom, whilst the other 2 went off to see Dougie. I was nearly crying by now and my friend was like ‘oh please don’t cry!’…I was trying not to. Tom was turned away from me and I was stood right behind him and I kept pulling funny faces at his back…then he turned around and laughed. I asked him if he liked strawberry laces and he said yes, so I handed him the sweets. Then I gave him the presents for the cats and he went ‘aww, looks like Marv’ to the cat on the front. People around laughed. Then I asked him to sign my hoody and he did. Then I asked if I could have a photo so I stood next to him and he placed his arm around me and I lost it. I burst out crying and he asked if I was okay and I shook my head so he gave me a proper full hug which made me cry again so he hugged me more. I then stepped back and he asked if I was okay. I shook my head whilst walking away.
I then calmed down a bit and went and saw Harry. I kind of pushed in front of a lot of people and asked if he liked strawberry laces. He did. He then signed my top and I had my photo taken with him.
Then I went to see Dougie, and kind of pushed in front of a load of people again :’) I asked him if he liked strawberry laces and he looked at me weirdly so I held the packet out and he grinned before saying yes, he did, so I gave them to him. Then he signed my hoody and I had my photo taken with him.
Then I realised I hadn’t given Tom his drawing from a friend of mine, and hadn’t given Danny his strawberry laces. So I went to Tom first. Waited a few minutes and then he looked at me and I went ‘I’m back’ and he grinned and was like ‘you calmed down’. I replied with ‘Not really. I forgot to give you this’ and he took it and looked at it, saying that it was awesome. He laughed at her drawing of the guys as pirates. I then got him to sign my iPod. Which is now my most prized possession. He then spoke to a couple people before I asked for another hug. He gave me a proper hug again and I burst out crying again. People around went ‘aww’ like last time and were asking if I was alright. Tom yet again asked if I was okay and I nodded and just stood back. He smiled at me and then I turned and walked to Danny. But now it was time to go so I just went ‘DANNY!’ and he turned and I lobbed them at him and went ‘enjoy’. He laughed.
I then went out, found my mum, and burst out crying again.
And that was me meeting McFly.

It was the most amazing day of my life and obviously my favourite part was when Tom pulled me into a hug because I was crying. I was crying because I couldn't believe he was there. Tom Fletcher, the guy who I've looked up to for the past 4ish years, was stood next to me with his arm around me. Oh jeebez.

Funniest thing I found was that me and my aunt had been talking a few days before and I told her that I would be fine around the other 3, but a total mess infront of Tom. And it was true.

Oh and my order has changed.
I have a few orders :/
My 'I've never met McFly' order is: Tom, Harry, Dougie, Danny. (Sorry!)
My 'Fittest' order is: Harry, Tom, Danny, Dougie (Sorry!)
My 'Nicest in Real Life' order is: Tom, Danny, Dougie, Harry. (Sorry!)

Tom was the nicest, he didn't get scared when I cried at him :') <3
Danny was so lovely and funny :') <3
Dougie was a laugh and just incredibly adorable <3
Harry was nice. But he just seemed a bit arragont :/ I don't know... :/

Wednesday, 3 August 2011


I am actually gaining confidence :D
I have never had much confidence in the things I do or anything. I've recently (in the past 2 years or so) gained confidence in the things I wear, and that is how I show off myself.
But recently I've been more confident in talking to people.
Not strangers, no.
But at my college induction day I started talking to two people.
And today when meeting McFly (I will blog about that when it has sunk in...) I started talking to a few people.

I'm proud of myself tbh. I don't usually do that :')


Monday, 1 August 2011


Found this question thing on Tumblr and as I know no one will ask me any of them, I'm going to answer them on here because I am awesome like that :)

1) Talk to myself, sing at the top of my voice, just sit and stare at my walls...not that weird :')
2) Hair is the main thing. But I've grown up over the past 2 years a lot aswell.
3) Looks are what draw people in first, but the person has to make me laugh. Has to know where to draw the line at taking things to far. I don't mind people laughing at something I do, as long as they don't take it too far.
4) Whatever PJ's I can find and a McFly top :)
5) I'm just going to do 5 things that annoy me about everyone. When people tell me how I am feeling, when people smoke, when people stare at people with disabilities, when people mumble (even though now I am fluent in mumble and can understand mumblers) and also when homeless people have dogs :/ I know they can't help being homeless half the time and they have the dog usually as a friend...but they can barely look after themselves, let alone a dog...
6) Tom Fletcher. I don't fancy anyone properly atm...but I do like Tom Fletcher. It's everything about him. His amazing talents, his personality, his looks...just Tom being Tom <3
7) Wrong. Simple as that. It's all wrong.
8) That I'll be ill on Wednesday :')
9) This morning from the cat ;P
10) Drugs are wrong. Simple. Alcohol is alright in small amounts, but I don't see the point of getting hammered.
11) Single :') I like being single, you don't spend most of your life thinking about the other person.
12) 'Do you remember me?'
13) Any sort of date with Tom Fletcher...or Alex Day...or Charlie McDonnell...yeah :')
`4) Bite my nails? Pick my scabs? I don't know!
`5) This week has just started. Literally, it's monday morning. So far this week the best thing which has happened was that I managed to find the right cable for the printer, take it out of the computer and put it into my laptop and manage to print from it. Instead of spending hours getting the computer to work :D
`6) My personality? I'm funny. I find myself funny, but others do. I do try and be funny but I'm usually funniest when I am trying not to be. I'm a bit blonde. I'm not fully 'blonde' but I have my blonde moments which I love having to be honest. (Okay the question was proud about, I am proud about being funny and blonde :/ so this is right...) I know random stuff. Okay so this isn't really a personality trait but I can't think of anything else :/ I know random facts. Just random odd things.
17) A hell of a lot. Michael Jackson, ducks, pigeons, swans, all birds tbh...the woods on the way to Bordon in the dark...clowns, mud, the people who are closest to me dying/leaving me...
18) I don't get this 'question'...
19) Music. Any music really. As long as I know it and can sing along.
20) Most likely something with my mum or my nan :')
21) I don't know :/
22) I'm loud once you get to know me, I hate parties, I love my family and my friends more than anything, I hate shopping, I love Jeremy Kyle Show (for real!), I love writing fanfics, I love playing card/board games, I prefer the rain to the sun, I am really weird and will 'rave' in public, I used to have two pet sheep :')
23) What if I was 10 years older and knew McFly personally :')
24) I won't say who I want to say them to...but the five things:
  • I love you so much, you mean the world to me. I would be totally lost without you.
  • I loved you. But now I hate you more than anything/anyone in the whole fucking world, just because of what you did to me and how you made me feel.
  • You are very special to me. You make me laugh like there is no tomorrow, you make me think about what is happening now and you made me realise I should live for the moment, tomorrow may never come.
  • You are one of the most important people in my life and I am totally glad that I have you in my life. If I didn't, I would be lost. You are fucking amazing and I love you so fucking much.
  • No matter what I say/do I will always love you. Not because I have to, because I want to. You never had to be there for me, no matter what people say, but you have been there for all my life and I want to thank you for bringing me up to be the person I am to day. It's because of you I am who I am.
25) Buy me a husky, buy my mum a house, be able to play the acoustic guitar, make me laugh, get on with my friends, not love football, buy me ben and jerrys ice cream, have gorgeous eyes, love to read, just like me for who I really am.
26) I don't believe in anything, and I don't like thinking about that sort of thing. To me, I'm alive now so I'm going to live for now. I don't care about how I got here on earth. Well I got here from my parents. That's all I care about to be honest. I don't care about how the world began and all that.
27) I have a half-brother who I always forget he is my half brother. To me, he is my full brother full and full. His name is Jamie (J) and he is annoying as hell but lovely aswell <3
28) It will be this month due to meeting McFly and getting GCSE results and everything but otherwise, probably April. I saw McFly at Wembley, met Silke, went with Amy to Birmingham to watch Dancing On Ice, spent her birthday with her...<3
30) This month just started so lets say we're still in July. What changed this month? I don't get that :/ I hope I will get good GCSE results next (this) month and I hope I get to meet McFly :)