Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Dear 365

So it seems like I posted this and then deleted it or something :/ or maybe I just didn't even post it :') This was from the beginning of last month when I finished my 365 project :)

Dear 365, ANOTHER YEAR OVER, BEEN FUN BUT HOWEVER. IT HASN’T BEEN EASY, OH NO WHATSOEVER. I remember starting you on the 31st of October 2010. I enjoyed taking that photo and had been thinking about starting you for a while and so had planned photo number 1 beforehand. My 2nd photo was taken on the 3rd of November. Yes so I missed out 2 days. But those were the only two days I actually missed out. A few days were close ones and I remembered at half 11 at night about you and so took crappy photos. But they were still photos, right? A couple of the photos didn’t actually include parts of me as I had forgotten to take a photo that day – well, not ‘forgotten’ as such. On Day 43 for instance, I went to London and forgot to take my camera so it worked really well in taking my photo for that day. And Day 263 which was my last day of holiday and my camera died. Okay so I did have my other camera on me…but no I didn’t forget. I thought I had actually taken one…but my memory is awful…as I hadn’t taken one at all. I’ve learnt a lot over the past year, thanks to you. I’ve learnt that taking photos every day for a year of yourself is actually a lot harder than you think. Especially when you are me and are so negative about your own work. I’ve had a lot of failures of photos which just either didn’t turn out right or I just didn’t like for different reasons. I actually haven’t had that many photos which I uploaded that I wasn’t proud of which is impressive of me as I am not usually proud of anything that I do. I’ve learnt that people appreciate my work and look forward to seeing new photos of mine. I’ve learnt how to do stop frame animations. Okay so that was a task for college, but I must have enjoyed it and thought it worthy enough to be in my 365 twice, right? I’ve realised my true love of skittles. I’ve realised how much I can write about my life just from a photograph. I’ve learnt how much I love to blog. I found a way of being able to write on my hands without my mum being able to tell me off! ‘Oh mum it was for my 365’ has been a common excuse over the past year and I’ll miss being able to say that. I’ve learnt to look at the simple things in my life in another way so that I could integrate them into my 365. I’ve learnt that I rely heavily on Picnik. I’ve learnt that I have quite a vivid imagination. It is honestly hard to come up with ideas for 365 consecutive days of what to take photos of. I’ve had moments (near the beginning) when I thought of giving up. When I thought there wasn’t a point to what I was doing. To be honest, no there was no point to what I did. But it’s been fun and a laugh. An achievement to myself. So many times I’ve been out and I’ve gone ‘Oh I must take my 365!’ Well – 3 6 5 as I refer to it as :’) I’ve been asked on many occasions what my favourite photo of mine so far has been and to be honest – I don’t have one. It is so hard to choose. I am proud of nearly every single photo that I took. I believe that I have changed over the last year due to you, 365. My photos have changed dramatically I feel and my imagination has been put to the ultimate test.
365 you’ve been on a huge journey with me. You’ve experienced the some of the highest highs of my life, and also some of the lowest moments. You’ve been there when I found my love for Charlie and Alex. You’ve been there when I met McFly. You’ve been there for many photos of my hair. You’ve been there for far too many photos of my hand. My left hand to be precise. You’ve been there for far too many Sopio moments. You were there for my holiday with Amy. You’ve experienced both my curly hair and my straight hair. You’ve seen my different hair colours. You’ve seen how excited I can get over the simplest things such as a Kinder Egg and a saucepan. You’ve experienced not enough Tom Fletcher for my liking – but oh well. You’ve helped me capture my strange little world in just 365 photos. Thank you for everything.
It’s been fun whilst it lasted 365, but our time has unfortunately come to an end. Maybe I will return in the future but for now,
To infinity and beyond my yearlong friend.
Laura x

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