I've wanted a tattoo (well tattoos) for the past 2 or 3 years come to think of it, but I still have another 2 years to wait. My mum really doesn't want me to get any I don't think, but she can't really talk, she has one.
Okay so I want more...and probably ones that are going to be on show more than the one on her back but still. It's my life, it's my body. I want something which will be mine, and I know I'll have to live with it for the rest of my life, one reason why I want them even more.
I want a star. A star like Tom Fletcher's, yes. McFly are, have been, a huge part of my life for the past 3 and a bit years and I know that I will never forget the times, I would love something which will always be there. And lyrics are too hard to think about. Yes I would love a lyric which would be more personal to me, but there are so many and not just one stands out (apart from maybe 'We've got no worries in the world' which has stood out for the past few months...if I still like it...then maybe)...and it has to mean something to me. The line I mentioned does, apart from I have far too many worries in the world which I know I shouldn't have! Stupid little things worry me. I also don't know where I would have the lyric, but I also don't know where to have the star.
I want a tattoo on my left wrist which says 'Dream'. I don't know why I want it my left wrist to be honest, maybe because I have an idea of something I want on my right...and I don't know :L But yeah, I want dream tattooed onto my wrist. I have far too many dreams and I want to accomplish as many of them as I possibly can in my life. I want to live my life doing what I want to do and being happy.
I want 'smile' tattooed onto my (I don't know finger names...or like '3rd' finger or whatever...) finger next to my thumb on my right hand. It's hard to explain like that, but basically I want it so that when I click the capture button on my camera, the smile can be seen...like this...
Those are the three at the moment, but I want my best friend to design a tattoo for me. Obviously I will have say on if I have it done or not, but I would love her too design one for me. She's amazing at designing things like this and also I've known her nearly all my life and would love her too...so yeah :)
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