Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Things I Like To Rant About

  • Robbie Williams.
  • Michael Jackson.
  • Football.
  • The fact that my old mattress had a dent in it, yet my brother got a new mattress and I didn't.
  • The 'rights' of celebrities.
  • The Royal Family which also relates to above.
  • RE
  • Plus more but those are the main!

You Know What; I Don't Actually.

Believe in a thing called love that is. Well, I do. But I also don't.
I don't know what 'love' is. I know there are different types of it, as I love my cat, and I love my best friend, but both are entirely different. In that respect, yes I do believe in a thing called love.

Love is weird...gunna leave it as that and that I do believe in love...in a way


Book Review - House Rules

House Rules - Jodi Picoult
When Emma Hunt's son is diagnosed with Asperger's, she knows she will do anything to help him.

She expects other people not to understand.
She expects the stares and whisperes.
She even expects trouble with the police.

But she doesn't expect Jacob to be charged with murder.

And when all the hallmarks of your son's condition - his tics, his inappropriate actions, his inability to look you in the eye - can be read as guilt; when you cannot put your hand on your heart and swear he is innocent...

How can you help your child then?

I was very excited to read this book. After reading Little Face which took a while to get into, I wanted to read something which I could get into quicker and having read two books by Jodi Picoult in the past, I was used to her writing and I enjoyed her books.

I finished this book in three days, but I didn't rush it. I just had a lot of spare time and enjoyed it that much that I put it down and seconds later I had it back in my hand again, reading the next chapter. That's another thing I like about the book, it's written from different peoples points of view throughout the book so we have thoughts and feelings from all the main characters. We see the book's events through the eyes of Emma, the mother, Jacob, the son with Aspergers, Theo, his younger brother, Rich, the police detective and also Oliver, the lawyer. I like this as if it was told from just one person's POV, we wouldn't know about half the stuff which goes on, seeing as yes the book is about Jacob, but alot of what happens is around him is told from Emma's POV.

I have officially labeled this book as one of my all time favourites, I had done that when I was on around page 450 (the book has 603 pages in it) due to the way it is written and some of the events which happen. I feel like I know someone in real life who suffers from Asperger's and I feel as if I would be able to understand someone who did have Asperger's, just by reading this book.

I don't want to write too much about the book, as I think I'll give too much away. Most of what happens in the book is important, everything from the murder scene which Jacob has set up within the first couple lines of the first page. It all has importance to the book. I do however want to point out that I solved what actually happened in the book before we got told what had happened :D I HAD REASONS FOR WHY I THOUGHT WHAT I THOUGHT AND I WAS RIGHT :') I was so proud that I had figured it all out before I got told :')

I however did get a little lost at one part, which I can't say too much about as it'll ruin the book, but basically theres a house which Theo breaks into...and I imagined it. And then there's the house which Jacob's social skills teacher is house sitting for...I imagine a totally different house...and then a few chapters later you find out that they are infact the same house...this confused me for ages :')

Oh and I don't like the fact that this book, just like the other two books I've read by Jodi Picoult, contained a court case. Can't she write about anything else!?!?! Thankfully, unlike the other two, this book ends happily.

Altogether a great book which will suck you in and make you feel as if you are there, sitting with The Hunt's on Blue Food Friday

Monday, 30 May 2011

House Rules

Okay so I'm reading this book at the moment; House Rules by Jodi Picoult. I wont say much about it as I want to review it afterwards, but I just read this line and laughed so much. There was a part earlier in the book which made me laugh alot too, I'll see if I can find it in a minute. This part though says 'I liked it. I liked it so much that you know what happened and I had to push her away before she noticed or (worse) felt it hard against her' I was going to say that I'm such a dirty minded teenager, but you don't really need to have a dirty mind here as it is actually what she is aiming for...yeah

Ooo found the other bit!
(The victim has just been killed btw, funnier if you read it..)
"How do you think you would have felt, if you were the victim?"
For a moment, I consider this. "Dead" I say.


Friday, 27 May 2011

Book Review - Little Face

Little Face - Sophie Hannah
She's only been gone two hours.
Her husband was supposed to be looking after their two-week-old daughter. But when Alice Fancourt walks into the nusery, her terrifying ordeal begins, for Alice insists the baby in the cot is a stranger she's never seen befrore.

With an increasingly hostile and menacing David swearing she must either be mad or lying, how can Alice make the police believe her before it's too late?

When I started reading this book, I was unsure. I knew straight away that it was nothing like anything I'd read before, and nothing like what I'm used to reading which is Chick Lits. I'm not going to lie, I'm used to reading books within a week or two at the most, and this book did take me two months too read. It took a while to get into the book and so I wasn't making it a huge priority to finish it (and plus I've been revising for exams and stuff) but recently I've had trouble putting it down. I think it was from about Chapter 21 onwards which I enjoyed it the most.

The book starts off from the point of view of Alice Fancourt. You find out a bit of background to her, and the fact that she had a troubled birth to her daughter (however you don't find out much about this). Alice hasn't left the house she lives in since the birth but she ventures out. However, when she returns home she finds the front door open, her husband fast asleep in the bedroom and her daughter missing. Well, Alice is adamant that the baby in the cot is not her daughter, Florence. This is where the first chapter ends and we move onto the second chapter which is set a week ahead and is written in 3rd person, but is mainly about Detective Simon Waterhouse. We find out in this chapter that Alice and the baby have gone missing. The book is set out in this layout, a chapter from the point of view of Alice, a chapter about Simon a week later, trying to find Alice. It took a little while to get used to this chaptered format but after a while I got used to it. The book uncovers a hidden mystery to Alice's new family, David Fancourt and his mother Vivienne Fancourt, of who Alice and David live with. In the third chapter David insists that the baby of which Alice claims isn't their daughter, is their daughter Florence. I found myself switching between who I thought was telling the truth throughout the book. We also found out pretty soon into the book about Laura Cryer, David's ex wife who was murdered ourside the house of Vivienne Fancourt. This happened years before, and a man was jailed for the murder but when Alice goes missing, Simon brings up the case again and he comes up with a new theory to the murder of Laura Cryer.

The book had many surprises which shocked and surprised me, some which I liked, some which I didn't. I love the twist to do with Laura's death, and how little hints are given out throughout the book, and then Simon places all the pieces together and I was sat here going 'how didn't I realise this then!?!?!'.

A great book with a fantastic twist to events. I'm looking forward to reading other books by Sophie Hannah in the future, but hopefully will get into them more quickly than I did to this book.

Monday, 23 May 2011

2nd July and 19th December 2011

On the 2nd of July I'm going with Amy, Robyn and Olivia to London to see Wicked at the West End. Yes I've already seen Wicked at the West End...actually, I've seen it twice but I am so so so SO damn excited to see it again, especially as I'm going just with my friends so it'll be my first time in London without an adult...so yeah :')

And theeeeenn on December 19th I'm going to see Russell Howard live at the O2 with Amy and my aunt (and her three friends) :D So so so so so SOOO excited! One for the fact that I'm going to see FRIGGEN RUSSELL HOWARD! Another for the fact I'm going with my best friend (and we wouldn't have spent much time together due to college...well, seeing as I'm used to seeing her near enough every day...it'll be nice) and also for the fact that I only see my aunt about 3 times (if lucky) a year and the day after is her birthday so it'll be nice just to spend a bit of time with her too :)

Anyway, AHHHHHH! So many things to look forward too (explain more another day) :D Can't wait to get exams over with so I can just chill properly :)

Over and out!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011


Is it weird that I'm 16 and still mentally say this every time I have to write down Wednesday. See, did it right then :')
Anywaysssssss, this week has been good. Monday first lesson we had Photography and I nearly burst out crying. Was just sad, Photography at B'hunt over! And my teacher wrote something thought-provoking in my leavers book...the rest of the day was pretty normal :)

Tuesday not a lot happened. Normal annoying lessons and then PSCRE exam which was good seeing as now I NEVVVEERRR have to do RE again :D

Today was amusing :') Lessons were normal but my art teacher wrote something odd in my leavers book which made me laugh, and so did my maths teacher :') and I got my year 9 science teacher to write in it, and for the past year or so I've said hello to her EVERYTIME she walked past...and I thought she hadn't really noticed it was me but she had done and wrote about it in my book :')

ahehehe! Anyway, it was official last day today but still have to go in for 'seminars' :L

Next Tuesday I have an English exam in the morning and then no more English.
I also have Italian Listening in the afternoon.
Wednesday (did it again...) I have Physics resit to do.
Friday I have Chemistry to do.

And then it's half term :D

Anyways (I need to find another word...)
Anywho (there you go!) I'm off now :)



Thursday, 12 May 2011

12/05/2011 : 21:10

Who do you wish you could see right now?
Gunna be selfish here and say Tom Fletcher and Charlie McDonnell

What’s bothering you?
The fact that my mum says I have to use my birthday money to pay my aunt :/

Do you own more then one bathing suit?

Is there anyone in particular that your missing right now?
Not particularly

Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
I want the top of my right ear pierced and I have a couple tattoos which I want

Do you open up to people easily?

Do you want your tongue pierced?

Did you take anyone’s breath away in the past 3 months?

Is there any alcohol in the fridge?

Could you stay in the same relationship for over a year?

Do you miss the way things used to be?
Some things, but I am enjoying life atm

Is any part of you sad at all?

Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
I would like to think so…but probably not

Who was the last person to disappoint you?
My mum

Have you ever let someone go?

Are you a patient person?
Not one bit which is bad seeing as I want to be a photography and computers hate me and I will be needing Photoshop a lot :/

Do you think you’ve changed over the past year?

Is there something that happened in your past you hate talking about?

Your ex is sitting next to you, what do you do?
Ask him if he knows who I am

Are you someone who worries too often?

Have you ever been completely alone with a boy in his room?

Do you ever think “what if” about anything?
All the time :/

Has anyone laid on your bed besides you?

Last time you were truly upset?

Does everyone deserve a second chance?
Depends what they have done

Are you emotionally strong?

Is there anyone you don’t wanna lose?

Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?

When you say you don’t care do you mean it?
Not always but usually

Are you the type of person who seeks out revenge?

Do you think two people can last forever?

Have you ever gotten to the point where you’ve said “I’m done trying”?
Yup…but I usually end up going back to it some when or another.

Are all guys players and cheaters?

Has anyone ever hung up on you?

What’s one thing in your life that you wish you could change?
Nothing because then I wouldn’t be me and my life wouldn’t be like it is

Do you think you’re wasting your time on someone?

Do you like falling asleep listening to rain?
Don’t really tend to notice…

Who have you cried over most this year?
I don’t tend to cry over people :/

Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
I wish it was :’) How weird would it be to be born with purple hair…

If you were kicked out of your current residence whom would you call first?
Amy or my nan

Is there a difference between just love and in love?

Do you like to cuddle?

Does anyone disgust you?

Do you honestly believe that good things come for those who wait?
In a way, but not always. Some people can wait for ever but nothing good will happen…others just have all the luck. If you want something, you should do all you can to get it. For example, if you want to meet your favourite band you’ve got to do everything you can to. If you know they will be in a local town and you can go there, GO THERE! If you just wait, it’s most likely not going to happen.

Have you ever kissed anyone driving?

Have you ever liked someone that you didn’t expect to?

Is your best friend single?
Yes (That I know of ;))

Who was the last person that you cried in front of?
My mum

Are you more independent or dependent?
Bit of both

You think “I love you” are strong words?

If you could choose a super power, what one would you choose?
Teleportation. It used to be flight, but teleportation would be better because you could be somewhere within an instance. And plus I’m not amazing with heights….

Do you trust your gut instinct?

Are relationships ever really worth it?

Is it hard for you to be “just friends” with the opposite sex?

Are you a bitch?

Have you been a happy, angry, or sad person lately?

Have you ever been in a perfect relationship?

Is there a person that will always have a place in your heart?

Would you rather date someone who is extremely protective or not protective at all?
Extremely protective probably

Have you ever fallen asleep on someone?

Are there things in your life that you’ll never be able to get over?

Has anyone of the opposite sex hurt you emotionally?

Do you still talk to the person who broke your heart the most?

Has anyone told you they never want to lose you?

Honestly, are things going the way you planned them?
I haven’t planned this part of my life, only later on in my life

Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home?

Have you ever shared a blanket with someone?

Do you like being in pictures?
Nope I prefer to take them

The person you had strongest feelings for died, are you upset?
Distraught, terrified…upset wouldn’t even begin to explain how I would feel

Does it bother you when people smoke around you?

Has a boy/girl ever given you jewelry?

Could this year be any better?

Does anyone call you babe?

Have you ever told anyone you were okay when you really weren’t?

Do you believe in true love?

Are you proud of the person you’ve become?
In a way yeah, but I’ve still got a long way to go

Do you think people have any misconceptions about you?

Are you a stressed out person?

Do you have trust issues?

Have you ever felt like you literally needed someone?

Are you afraid of falling in love?

What would you say is your worst flaw?
I don’t believe in myself and I have no confidence in my work whatsoever

If you could re-live one memory what would it be?
Last time I saw McFly.

Do you believe that there’s good in everyone?
Not really

Have you ever gone out of your way to do something meaningful?

Are promises important?
Yes, very

If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be?
Selfish but the money

Are you a morning person or a night person?

Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forgive. I can never forget…


Photography at B'hunt is over. Sucks to be honest. Okay so we have one more lesson, first thing on Monday, but I've handed in my work book and my exam folder and so I've finished. Totally. Okay so I'm doing Photography at college. In fact, I'm only doing Photography at college but still...the past 2 years have been f'ing amazing due to Photography and they've made me realise that I really do want to be a photographer. Had last 5 hours of our exam today, but I had already finished, so I printed off some stuff and then went through my work book about 50 billion times before printing some stuff off to put in it which really didn't have to be printed off tbh. Then handed it in...bye...and then went to last lesson which was quite good tbh :') Maths :') Will totally miss maths in a way in college, but glad I'm not doing it as I'm crap at it!

Anyway, cya :)

Sunday, 8 May 2011


I'm now 16, believe it or not.
I always wonder how people can ask 'how do you feel being sucha age' on someones birthday. It's no different really, it's not like when you get a year older you are actually any different, is it?
Anyway, my birthday for once in a while was actually rather good :) Had two friends over and we went to Alice Holt and had a wander and climb before we came home, watched Horton Hears A Who and ate. We then played Pay Day and then went on Mario Kart Wii. We then Just Dance-d into the night. Well, from 12 till around 2. And then we had a few more games of Mario Kart before going to sleep.

(There was a reason for this blog post...I wasn't just going to write that but I think I have forgotten what that reason was D: It's taken me about 10 minutes to write that ^^ due to being distracted by twitter :') )

Anyway, I have purple hair now too :D And it's straight atm which I haven't had in ages.
Oh I can't remember what the point of this blog post was now and I'm gunna go and watch Family Guy and then sleep.


Friday, 6 May 2011


This week has been weird.
Monday was inset day.
Tuesday was meant to be my Photography exam. Went to it and we did an hour and a half of it and then we got told that it had been canceled. Thanks for telling us! :')
Wednesday was normal.
Thursday was last day of wearing school uniform. Was a great day though!
And today was first day of wearing non uniform and we had 3 lessons of maths, then 3 lessons of english.

It annoys me though as I like routine :') And this week hasn't been routine-d! And my school 'life' never will be again AHHHHH

Anyway, today in English there was 'call me if you want a bf' with a number written on our table. I go to Amy 'This could mean boyfriend or best mate' and she went 'or a lot else' and I started thinking but couldn't think of anything so I go 'best fish?' and she laughed. Then I grinned and went 'BFF stands for best fish finger!' and she laughed :')

Amy is my BFF :D
And tomorrow is my birthday :P

Cyaaaaa :D
(Dinner time. Today it's jacket potato. NOM!)